You Told Me You Love Me

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I tried to catch her in school but it was like she's teleporting. I saw her then someone passed in front of me and she would be gone. 

Just my luck. It's raining. I saw everyone running to theirs cars laughing. I didn't have an umbrella. I saw Madeline go to the other exit. I followed her and finally got to her. But she was outside in the rain while i was under a dry area. "Why are you avoiding me.." i said. She had her hood on. "I'm sorry i said that..i just really wanted to tell you"

"And come over here your getting wet"

"I dont want to talk to you"

"Why, i apologies i didn't mean to corner you like that"

"NO I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT.." she lashed out

"I dont care about that"

"Why'd you kiss Amelia"


"Why'd you kiss her"


"I wasn't thinking ok i ju-"

"Dont pull that shit with me Noah"


"WHY SAY THAT THEN KISS ANOTHER GIRL". I saw her cry. This was the first time i saw her cry. I made her cry. I walked to her. "I'm sorry i fucked up and im a dick head" i said. She looked up and punched me in my face. "SHUT UP, YOUR NOT SORRY" she yelled. "I AM" i said looking at her. "I DO LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH MADELINE"

"KISSING AMELIA WAS A FUCKING MISTAKE A BIG ONE. I'LL REGRET IT TO THE DAY I DIE" i said. I hugged her. I hugged her tight "I can't live with out you" i said. She started to sob quietly making little sounds with her voice cracking. I never knew she was a sensitive her person. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me. I walked to my car and got into the drivers seat with her now on my lap, still hugging her, she was still crying but started to calm down a bit. "I love you Maddy" i whispered. She pulled away and wiped her face. "Stop saying it it's getting corny" she said laughing and sniffling . "I'm still mad at you" she said, I laughed. "I'm sorry, i promise if i kiss another girl you can chop of my dick" i said placing my hands on her thigh. She laughed. "i seriously will" she chuckled 


I felt his big hand caressing my thigh. I was so mad at him, but he kept doing stuff that weakness me.  " i wont forget about this Noah" i said, he chuckled. i heard the rain hit the car as Noah hugged me again with his hand on my waist. We stayed like that for a while. When my phone started to buzz. I looked at it and it was my mom. "Hi"

"Hey sweetie..when are you coming home"

"Oh right now, why"

"You'll see when you get home", then she hung up. I looked on my phone confused. "What happened" he said, "I gotta go home" i said. "I'll drop you" he said. I moves to the passenger seat as he started the car. It was quiet in the car. We were just both listening to the rain hit the car. I was looking out the window. It was really calming. When we got to my house he walked me to the door and tried to kiss me. "I am not kissing you with those lips" i said pushing his face away. He pouted. i gave him a pat on the back and walked into my house. Closed the door behind me then saw my father sitting on the couch. "Come sit down Baby" my mom said. I sat down next to her while my father was a cross from us. "Madeline..i feel like we aren't connecting like we use to when you were a kid" he said

"Well im not a kid anymore", i shot back

"Yes i understand so."

"Me and your mom decided your gonna be staying with me once month"

"A MONTH" i screamed.

"Yes, just so that we can connect again", I felt like talking back to him but my mom shot me a glare. "Ok." i said. I stood up and walked up stairs to my room. I took a shower and laid in my bed. Thank god i did all my home work in school. I sighed. I'm so mad. I'm so fucking mad. why did Amelia have to fucking brag about it so much. All up in my fucking face. Then this happened. I opened my phone to see a next from Noah. I love you. I smiled a little bit then. I ended up falling asleep. I woke up to see my mom drinking coffee. I was quiet. "Why did you let him do that"

"He was threatening to take me to court....i don't wanna lose you Madeline" she said she sounded like she was about to cry. I stood up and hugged her. "I love you mom" i said hugging her. "You did a good job raising me". I let go and she smiled at me. I went to school and saw Louis. "So how did avoiding him turn out" Louis said, "Not well..he ended up talking to me and screamed that he loves me" i said sitting down. "Damn thats some deep shit" Alice said. I shrugged. Amelia walked in and sat next to me. "So how is your morning" she said smiling, we all looked at her weird. "What can't a girl just ask another fellow girl how's shes doing? gosh" she said facing the front of the class as the teacher walked in. After most of my classes it was finally lunch. We sat inside this time. it was to hot to be out there.  I walked to the bathroom when Noah stopped me in my tracks. "Are you still mad at me" he said frowning. "You think i would forget about it that quickly" i said. "I doubled washed my mouth this morning. So please can i kiss you now" he said. "No"


"No..go kiss Amelia"

"No never. i dont want to, i wanna kiss you"

"To bad"

"Please" he said, he got closer to me  and went on his knees. "What the fuck are you doing" i whispered. I heard a group of people coming, and heard Amelias voice. "Get up!"

"Say yes"



"Yes! now get up" i said. He got up and picked me up throwing me over his shoulder. We go to an area where no one really goes and he starts kissing me. I wonder if this is how he kissed Amelia. "Don't worry" he whispered. "I didn't kiss her like this" he said reassuring me. And continued kissing me and picks me up, pushing me against the wall. He loves picking me up.

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