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I wanna do it again, that wasn't enough i want more. I keep seeing her, "You ok dude?", i removed my hands from my face to see Adam. "Yea i'm fine" i said sitting back, "Where'd you go last night...we texted you and you didn't respond" Alex said sitting next to me, "Um...i was just watching a movie" i responded. Alex raised an eyebrow, "Your lying" Adam said, "What no why would you say that" i said, then the teacher came in and everyone sat down. Lunch came and everyone was praising us for the game last night, then i saw Amelia. She signaled me to follow her and i got up, we went into the hallway, "i just wanted to congratulate you for winning last night" she said hugging me, "Oh yea thanks" i responded. "Umm after the game i was looking for you...where'd you go?"

"why was everyone was looking for me"

"i was just hoping we would have celebrated together" she said smiling, "i had to celebrate with my mom...sorry Amelia"

"And i found out that girls name is Madeline not Maddy"

"Well l call her Maddy because no one else does"

"Oh..why do you even both with her"

"Well she owes me"

"Owe you what"

"I'm gonna fuck her", she looked at me confused and shocked, "What!?"

"You heard me, i'm gonna fuck her"

"Why there are so many other girls in this school and you chose her?"

"Yea what about it..l like a challenge..every girl in this school just lets me fuck them, but she puts up a challenge", and i almost got her, if she just didn't push me off. " well l got to go it was nice seeing you" she said walking away. It was finally 8th period. Chemistry. I had that class with Maddy and Becky. I could never get the chance to talk to her because of Becky, and Maddy seemed disturbed, when i smiled at her she looked the other way. "Today we are going in groups for this project" the teacher said, "We'll have Alex, Louis,  Kitty and Louie. Then Leo, Max, Ruby and Bianca. Then Noah, Adam, Becky and Madeline". OF COURSE I GOT BECKY. "Please go to your group now" the teacher said. Everyone shuffled around, Adam Becky and Maddy moved near my desk, "So what do you guys wanna do" Adam said, "Um lets do slides because there easier" Becky said, "No we are not doing anything digital we are doing posters" the teacher said. Everyone groaned in annoyance, "Then lets go to my house so we can work on it" Adam said. I looked at Maddy who was already looking at me. After school we all got into Adams car, Becky was singing the music that was playing while Maddy was on her phone. I was sitting in the back with Maddy and Becky was sitting in the front with Adam, this is the most calm i've seen Becky. I tapped Maddy, "Are you ok?" i asked, she put in her other airpod. We got to his house.

"I haven't been to your house in so long Adam, it looks so different" Becky said looking around, "Yea my mom made some change, adding bamboo" Adam responded

 "Wheres the bathroom" Maddy asked, "Oh its right down that hall...were gonna be in my room, which is on the second floor ok?", Maddy nodded. Then she waiting from them to walk away then grabbed me pulling me into the bathroom, she slammed the door and turned to me, "What the fuck is wrong with you" she said, "What?"

"Did you tell someone that you wanted to fuck me..because Becky found out and now she on my fucking ass"

"What i didnt tell anyone, and she didn't seem bothered in the car"

"Of course she didnt wanna seem bothered. She's around you!"

"God i knew i  should have stayed away from you", she said biting her nail, "I only told Amelia"

"OF COURSE YOU DID" she screamed

"Have you not realized there best friends.."

"I knew..but i didn't think she would tell Becky"

"Why does it even matter"

"Oh i dont know?..maybe because SHES FUCKING PYCO OVER YOU", she sat on the toilet putting her hands over her face, i nealed to her. "Nothing gonna happen i swear Maddy" i said reassuring her, she looked at me, "If the whole school finds out im cutting your dick off" she said standing up, I opened my arms signaling for a hug, "Im not hugging you"

"Yes you are" i said smiling then i hugged her,  she groaned as i hugged her tighter. "I really am sorry that i made you panic" i said. She avoided my eyes.  She let go and left the bathroom going upstairs, i followed behind her. We finished some of the poster then took a break. I was talking with  Adam and Becky kept creeping into the conversation, Maddy was just on her phone giggling to herself, it was bothering. 

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