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**Sorry this chapter is so short, next week has a LONG one to make up for it! Have a great week and feel free to comment, vote, & share! I'm on TT too if you want to chat there!**


Malfoy hissed as he brushed his fingers against the damp fabric.

"You're soaking wet." He growled, the words echoing through her. He pressed harder, enough to make her close her eyes. When he pinched her through the fabric, Hermione moaned. His left hand, the one resting right next to hers, tightened into a fist.

"Make that noise again."

She did, though not because she wanted to. He was pulling it out of her with each movement. Malfoy brushed a kiss against her neck as he stroked her through her knickers. It felt too teasing, like being tickled. It was driving her wild. Before she could stop herself, her hips moved forward, desperate for friction.

"Do you not want to be teased, Granger?" He moved his fingers against the top edge of the fabric. "Would you rather me get right to work?"

Hermione couldn't speak. Her eyes fluttered shut, her body limp and yet filled with liquid electricity. She needed this to go on forever, and yet if he played with her much more, she'd lock herself in the bathroom and finish the job for him.

"Please," Was all she managed to say. "Please, Malfoy."

Something almost savage took over his features. With both hands, he yanked her knickers down until the fabric fell to her ankles. Malfoy pushed the straps of her dress down until both breasts were exposed, the fabric pooling around her abdomen. His eyes burned with a possessive hunger as he stared, the intensity of his gaze the only thing keeping Hermione from covering herself back up. But he wasn't looking at her vampire scar, or the cursed word- Mudblood- that glared from her left arm. He was looking at her.

He nudged her legs open with a knee, and she let him.

Hermione gripped his shoulders as he came closer, and leaned her head back.

It seemed to not be enough. He gripped her curls in one hand and pulled until her throat was exposed.

"There," he murmured, satisfied, right before he licked a trail of fire from her jaw to the center of her chest. "Now which one do I kiss first?"

Hermione didn't care, as long as he started doing something. His right hand was caressing the skin just below her left breast while his left hand gripped her thigh, as if he were fighting the urge to touch her where she wanted it most.

Finally, he palmed her left breast and squeezed while his tongue stroked her right one. Hermione felt herself opening up further, a wordless encouragement for Malfoy to put his left hand to good use.

He chuckled against her skin, taking the hint. "As you wish."

Malfoy moved so slow, but Hermione bit her cheek to keep from crying out.

She wanted to beg but refused to speak anything more than nonverbal moans and whimpers. Hermione knew if she let herself go, she'd call him something other than Malfoy.
It's why she was glad he only kissed her neck, her jaw, her nipples. If he kissed her, she'd melt completely, losing any sense of boundaries. Hermione couldn't give that to him.

But he didn't just move his fingers towards her clit. Malfoy lowered himself onto both knees and gently pushed Hermione to sit on the edge of the bed. He stopped as he saw all of her.

Hermione could have sworn he mouthed the word beautiful as he stared at her spread before him.

Panic cut through the lust.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

He looked up at her though hooded eyes. "I'm ravenous, Granger, and it just occurred to me that a feast has been splayed out before me. I think I'd like to dine now."

But he could read the hesitancy on her face. Malfoy kissed her inner thigh, causing her to jolt. He chuckled.
"Have you never done this with the Weasel?"

Hermione barely had the sense to shake her head no.

"We had only ever kissed." She managed to whisper. "Everything else I've done has..." Hermione let the words hang between them. Everything else has been with you.

He read the words as they floated through the air. In that room, he had not only taken her virginity, but taken her first orgasm outside of masturbation. He'd been the only man she'd ever been completely naked with, and the only man to be naked in her presence. This was one thing, this act, she could save. If she wished.

But she wouldn't. Despite so much horror between them, there was something about Malfoy that Hermione couldn't help but bow to. Not in the pitiful way a servant bows to a master, but in the way waves bow to the rock they crash against. Hermione knew there was nothing she could throw at him that he wouldn't take with a polished smirk on his face.

She could give him this with no regrets, because they had already put each other through so much pain, things no one else would understand, and were bound to hurt each other more as the BackRooms held onto them. They could afford these pockets of pleasure in between all of the torment.

"Have me," Hermione breathed as she looked down at him, the proud Malfoy heir on his knees for a Muggleborn. "Release me."

He didn't wait for another word. His tongue licked and stroked and prodded, and Hermione soon found her legs around his shoulders and hands woven into his hair as he set her on fire. Malfoy worked first one, then two fingers inside her as he sucked on her clit, and it was so overwhelming Hermione almost asked him to stop.

"You taste like desire and honey." The huskey words purred against her skin.

He made her so close, her release just a flick, a kiss, a breath away. Malfoy moved the flat of his tongue to lick every inch of her before he gently sucked on her clit, his teeth grazing.

It was his teeth that did it.

"Dra-Malfoy!" His face was smothered in the center of her as she rode out her orgasm, gasping and panting and full of the most euphoric bliss as he lapped it up like her coming was a rare elixir.

Hermione finally let go of his hair as her orgasm ebbed away. He kissed her thigh once more before he carefully extracted himself from her. He rose to his full height, staring down at Hermione with wet lips and blushed cheeks that burned against his alabaster skin. He stared at her bunched up dress and bare, heaving chest. Her thighs that had just been wrapped around his face-

She still felt like a lust-filled haze fogged her mind, for Hermione only felt mildly embarrassed, and moved slowly as she fixed her dress.

But Malfoy was walking swiftly away, towards the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Her voice was shrill.

"To find my own release while the taste of you is still on my tongue." He slammed the bathroom door shut.

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