Everybody Wants to Rule the World

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The BackRooms, three minutes after Hermione & Draco enter The Arena

It was a clearing, and in the distance was endless trees.
Behind them stood a brick building, three stories tall.

Most definitely too small to house all of the horrors they had faced over the last several months.

"Do you think we-"

"No," Malfoy interrupted quickly, his eyes on the tree line. "No, we aren't free, Granger."

A hologram appeared in the sky above them, centered somewhere in the middle of the forest.


"The Arena?" Hermione murmured, mostly to herself.

And then, his voice, cutting through their consciousness like it was melted butter.

"First, I made you survive each other."Voldemort's voice hissed like claws on a chalkboard. Hermione clutched at her ears.
"Now, you must try and survive me. The last remaining witch or wizard who survives the Arena will be granted their freedom, and may live out their days as a servant by my side. Good luck."

A weight lifted off of her mind, and Hermione gulped down the breath she'd been holding in. She tried to hide her trembling.

The Arena. A new round of horrors to face, and Voldemort himself might be in the very woods that waited ahead of them. But victory seemed to be just within reach, if they could outlive the other wizards and witches stuck here with them.

It could years to narrow it down to one person, depending on how many 'players' there were, and how often Voldemort played his hand in interfering.

Behind them was a ragged groan, a shudder through the earth, and then-

"Run!" Malfoy gripped the sleeve of her jumper as he yanked her sprint alongside him.

The building was collapsing.

"Carry me." Hermione panted. Malfoy looked at her as if she were mad. "I mean it, Malfoy, carry me!"

He stopped running long enough to scoop her into his arms, his steps now much slower, and she turned in his arms to face the titling building.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Hermione shouted as she pointed her wand upwards.

She grunted as the spell caught and held the third floor, the floor that was the closest to smashing them to bits.

"Almost there," Malfoy panted in her ear. "Keep going, Granger."

Sweat began to bead on her forehead, and her arm wavered.

They had pushed into the trees, and after a few extra seconds, Hermione let go with a cry.

The ground shuddered. The boom echoed all around them.

And then another.

And another.

And one final boom.

Four buildings. North, South, East, West.

They had been the only 'players' to emerge from their building (that they knew of) but who knew how many were gathered to the left of them, the right, ahead of them...

They looked around, nothing but pine trees and the occasional cedar tree surrounding them.

"Welcome to the Arena, Granger." Malfoy said sarcastically.


The sun had almost set when they heard the crack of a fallen branch and knew they weren't alone.

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