Heavy in Your Arms

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"M-mum?" Hermione backed up until her back met Malfoy's marble chest, his arms reaching up to steady her. She didn't react when he kept his hands on her even after she was standing straight. He was an anchor, one she needed. If he didn't have her she'd float far, far away until she dissolved into the sun. Because she couldn't stand to be here.

"Why did you do it, Hermione?" Her mum said, her voice accusatory. "Why make us forget our only child?"

"My little duck," Her father frowned as he stepped closer. Hermione focused on his shirt to avoid the two black holes where his eyes should have been. "I can't remember what you look like. I only hear your voice now and then, in my dreams, but I can never place who it belongs to." He gripped the counter viciously, knuckles white.

Hermione could barely breathe. "It was to s-save you!" She cried, her chest tight and stomach rolling. "I didn't know what t-to do, and I loved you too m-much to lose you-"

"No, you selfish girl." Her mum prowled closer. Malfoy shuffled them back, his grip tightening. Her parents never acted like this, all frustrated angles and vinegar accusations on their tongues. "We thought we raised you to be so smart, so intelligent, and yet you could not find a better way to truly save us."

"You damned us, Hermione." Her dad spit out. Hermione cried harder as their words cut into her.

"I'm so sorry," She hiccuped. "I couldn't let you die, and there wasn't any time to find a better p-plan! I never meant to let the spell settle in, but I couldn't leave H-Harry to reverse it."

The decision on whether to stay with Harry or reverse her parent's state of mind had made Hermione so anxious she had vomited the entire day while Remus and Moody walked her through her options. Hermione ultimately chose Harry. It still weighed heavy on her.

"You loved that boy more than us. You don't want it reversed." Her mum said. "You want us to forget forever, so we don't learn about the terrible, terrible things that have happened to our baby."

"You took that choice away from us, Hermione."

"No! Stop saying these things!" Hermione pleaded.

Hermione's mother slapped her.

Hermione kept her face turned towards Malfoy's chest, her body stiff with shock.

"That is enough of that." Malfoy growled behind her. Her mum and dad turned their heads upward.

"Do you think we do not know who you are, Draco Malfoy? The boy who caused our daughter to feel horrible, terrible things-"

"Your family branded our baby with that disgusting word forever-"

"You sick boy-"

Hermione was barely listening to her parents vicious words against him.

Her mother had never hit her.
Hermione's mother was the gentlest woman she had ever met-besides maybe Luna- a free spirit with the mind of an adder yet temperament of a deer. She was brilliant and creative and everything Hermione needed in a mum.

The action reminded her she was not arguing with her real parents.
Her true parents were safe and happy in Australia. Her real parents would understand, if they ever remembered. If she ever let them remember.
These were twisted puppets, made by a twisted dark wizard trying to break her.

"I have to go." Hermione finally whispered, her eyes now trained on the ground. If she looked at them again, she'd sob harder or even vomit. "I really am sorry, and I'm so grateful to see you again, even like this. But I have to go now."

Malfoy understood she had met her limit, and he guided them back towards the door that led to the garden. They had begun to recognize which doors or holes were exits and which were decoys. Malfoy and Hermione knew this one would lead them onward.

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