Light My Love

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It was the best Hermione had felt since she'd awoken from the BackRooms. Which wasn't saying much, but it was still nice to not feel like her heart was a black hole anymore.

Pansy had become her housemate, and was insistent on living vicariously through Hermione's outfits whenever she got ready to leave.

Dinner with Ginny and Luna? Pansy was sticking her in a cocktail dress that would've made even Draco blush. Turning in her resume? Pansy put her in the most expensive pantsuit the witch owned. Meeting with Kingsley to tell him yet again that she wouldn't be going on record about the rooms? Fierce, fresh robes that gobbled up the light and left Hermione looking like a force to be reckoned with.

The first week was hard, and consisted of Hermione lying in bed missing Draco and the days of when they were all in The Haven. Pansy had given her space then.

Until day eight, when she said no one should wallow longer than a full week.
("No offense Hermione but puffy eyes and puffy hair isn't a good look for you. I mean, what if Draco shows up tomorrow and your reunion is ruined because you're in a musty nightgown and your hair's on day nine of no washing? Think about that.")

So Pansy had insisted that Hermione get out and be the girl she used to be: a girl who didn't let anyone or anything stop her.

Hermione made a list of everything she wanted to accomplish, now that school was gone for her and she was a different person than the girl who wanted a secretary job to stay close to Ron and Harry.

Get a job - we need money

Plan travel arrangements. (Castelobruxo / Ilvermorny / Uagadou)

Find all of the Malfoy's properties and Narcissa's regular visiting locations

Check in on Mum and Dad

Decorate Harry's headstone with Ginny

Become my own boss.

Pansy peered over her shoulder.

She whistled. "Quite a list. Isn't it a bit much?"

Hermione smiled to herself as she pinned it above the bed. "Not for me, Pans."


Hermione worked in a bookstore for four months before she looked up one day and found the building across from them was available for rent.

She told Pansy and Luna that she wanted to do something with it, but what exactly... she wasn't sure.

"Hermione, what did we do for months on end?"

"Eat fish and bathe in a river?" Luna asked. Pansy waved her off.

"No. We foraged. And we got damn good at it. You have Neville's herbology knowledge and access to my bank accounts. Go buy the building and turn it into an apothecary."

Hermione and Luna both blinked at her.

"I don't know if that's what-"

"Hermione, it's on your list: become your own boss. It's the only way you'll be able to take the time off to travel and study abroad. You can even employ Neville, he's been trying to find something other than teaching since we got back."

"And now you can look for Theo and Draco." Luna added.

Part of her wanted to object out of pride, but she knew her friends were offering her a way to finally move on and live. Ginny had been pushing her in this direction, too.

Hermione's heart panged. He'd encourage her to do this. To leave the comforts of a simple job, and leave the comforts of Wizarding Britain, in order to discover something better.

He was out there, waiting for her. She knew it.

"Okay." Hermione said. "Okay, we'll buy it tomorrow."


The sign was crooked, but with a flick of her wand it sat straight. Now it was perfect.

Plants peppered the space, sitting on shelves or hanging from floating vases.

Hermione had curated a moving portrait of a cat that looked like Crookshanks to hang behind her desk, the creature in an endless cycle of yawning, stretching, and then curling into a ball.

She and Neville had made tinctures, creams, potions, lotions, oils, and teas out of plants and herbs from all over the Wizarding world. Most of it had been thanks to Neville.

Hermione felt her heart lighten with each day, even as her soul yearned for Draco. She knew there'd be hard days. Horrible days. And she knew for certain that she would never be same. But she wasn't giving up. Even if weeks and months went by, even if it turned into years, she would look for him.

In fact, she was headed to Ilvermorny next week, where she'd also conveniently check in on the Malfoy's New York City penthouse after she shadowed a professor for six weeks.

"There's no better name for it." Neville said as he flicked the sign to open. Hermione couldn't help but agree.


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