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Unfortunately, Malfoy was right. She did find herself able to think more clearly after finishing on his tongue.

Hermione heard the sound of water drumming from the shower head, and used the time to quickly change.

She wanted armor against Malfoy, to put some semblance of space between them. So she dressed herself in a new pair of very thick and unsexy knickers, donned a bra, striped long sleeve blouse, floor length and unflattering muggle jeans, and simple black trainers.

Hermione re braided her hair as she sat in front of the fire, contemplating their earlier argument.

It was time to go. Malfoy was right.

But Hermione could make sure they were prepared this time. She could ask the room for everything they needed and more. She'd survived out there before. She could do it again, and make it to the end. She would have her wand this time, and a Draco Malfoy who was essentially her puppet. If the curse held outside these walls.

The door creaked open, and steam curled around the frame as Malfoy emerged in nothing but a towel. Hermione kept her eyes glued up, even as her peripheral showed the muscle and lines he'd finally-slowly- gained back after proper eating and exercise.

"Nothing like a good wanking to clear your mind, eh Granger?"
He winked. Winked.

Heat spread from her cheeks to her neck as she imagined what he had just done, and she ducked her head to avoid looking at him completely.

"My thoughts are straight forward now, thank you, Malfoy."

He chuckled behind her as he moved to get dressed.

As Hermione waited for him, she wondered what Ginny would say to her.

Ginny had always been more...promiscuous than Hermione. Before Harry it had been Michael Corner, Parvati Patil, Dean Thomas, and each one of her partners bragged on how confident and assured she was.

Ginny had asked Hermione, when it became obvious how she felt about Ron, if she wanted any pointers. Any advice about how to satisfy your partner, and be satisfied in return. Hermione had sputtered that she didn't need any help with her brother, thank you, and stormed to the common room for some space.

That had been the first and last time Ginny tried to talk to Hermione about it, but anytime Ron hugged her, or she stared towards him too long in Ginny's presence, the girl would offer her a wink and a smirk before moving on.

Hermione imagined that if she sat Ginny down and told her that she'd not only shagged Draco Malfoy more than once but let him get on his knees for her, the youngest Weasely would howl in laughter and offer to buy Hermione a butterbeer to celebrate. There wouldn't be judgment or condemnation from her. Never.

Oh how Hermione missed her.

"Have you made a decision, Granger?"

Malfoy's looming presence sent her thoughts on Ginny scattering into the shadows. Hermione swallowed as she looked up at him.

"We leave in eight days."


Eight days to finish working on defensive spells and nasty jinxes. To bottle up every position and tonic and cream they could think of. To bulk up on food before they went into the unknown, where meals were scarce and rarely nutritious.

Hermione had asked the room for two bags, each with an extension charm, and they arrived with the minute.

They evenly split the food, water, potions, extra clothes, and soap between both bags, should they lose one.

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