I Know the End

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Hermione raised her head out of the water and found Draco watching her from the bank.

"Don't do that," She said, lightly splashing him as she threw her bar of soap his way. "You scared me."

He ignored her, instead looking at her breasts that barely hovered over the water.

"You're so fucking beautiful." Draco said softly, hungry flames dancing in his silver eyes.

Hermione blushed, even as the compliment warmed something in her.

Draco cleared his throat, even as he continued to stare. "Theo and I are headed out, hopefully not for long. Longbottom needs some plant for a project and Luna asked Theo to look for pixies now that the Spring Equinox has come and gone."

Though Hermione had never left the wards again, Draco did. It happened routinely that one of the Slytherin boys always went with either Luna, Pansy, or Neville. If Neville wasn't going, Draco took Hermione's wand. Lavender was the only other person who never left The Haven.

They hadn't seen a single Death Eater since she had been taken in Autumn.

Hermione swallowed as she reached for her towel. "Be careful." She urged.

Draco leaned forward until his nose brushed hers. Gently, his lips ghosted her own.

"I always am, querido."

She watched him walk back through the trees and pushed her worry down.

Hermione dressed slowly in the bright spring sun, grateful for the warmer days that allowed for her to take her time and enjoy the open air. Winter hadn't been too brutal thanks to magic, but it reminded her too much of when she'd been Horcrux hunting.

Hermione had just slipped on her trainers when a boom shook the earth beneath her.

She sprinted back to camp, her heart thundering in her chest.

Had Voldemort finally grown tired of watching them play house? Was he about to descend on them, and slaughter them all for their refusal to finish his game?

As Hermione crested the hill, she saw everyone alert around the fire.

"I should go get Theo and Draco, make sure they're ok." Zabini didn't wait for anyone to object before he went back into his tent to grab his sword and knife.

Luna looked at Hermione, and she knew they were both worried about the same thing.

"I'm sure they're alright." Hermione tried to make the words sound true. Strong. Even as her heart threatened to bruise her chest and every horrible scenario wracked through her.

"Maybe I should go with Zabini-"

"No, Neville." Pansy and Hermione said at the same time.

"Blaise can handle himself." Pansy finished, her hand running gently down his arm. "We need you and your wand here."

A second crack, this time so enormous their tents collapsed and all of them fell to their knees. Birds took off from the trees and blotted out the sun. A figure was running towards them-

Hermione stood on weak legs. "G-Ginny?"

The youngest Weasely was dressed in tight pants, knee high boots, and a form fitting black top. Her robes billowed around her like a cape. Hermione thought she looked very much like a muggle American superhero.

But Ginny was frantic as she finally slid to a halt.

"We need to go. Now." Ginny reached for her, but Hermione danced out of her arms.

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