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The following story Is A Harry Potter X Kingdom Hearts Crossover. Harry Potter is raised far away from the magical world by Yensid. 

That is Because of an agreement made between his Parents and the sorcerer.Harry or Sora, as he will be known. 

Sora Grows up on the Destiny Islands. And he grows up Along With His best friends, Riku and Kairi.

Thanks to Sora's Strange Powers and his and Kairi's mysterious pasts. The three friends decide to venture out to the outside world.

Sora and Kairi become very close due to them being outsiders. This tale is Sora's story as he grows from orphan to King.

The couples, for now, Will be Sora(Harry) X Kairi and Riku x Hermione.

Hopefully, you will enjoy my story.

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