To the Outside World.

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Sirius Transforms into Padfoot and charges at Terra, who is caught off guard by the sheer size of Sirius's dog form.

Terra braces for Impact when Sirius Suddenly Jumps up. Transforms back and uses the Incarcerous Spell.

Merlin says."Your students have improved a great deal, Eraqus. You must be so Proud."

Eraqus says."Very Proud. But I must compliment Sirius as well. That was a very creative solution to the distance situation."

Terra, meanwhile, has no time to be impressed with Sirius as he is tied up.

Terra manages to use his Keyblade to free himself. He thinks to himself."I was not expecting that at all. Let's see how he reacts to being bound."

Terra aims his Keyblade toward Sirius. Suddenly, the Keyblade extends in size and wraps around Sirius. Who yelps in surprise.

Terra slams Sirius into a nearby wall. Aqua thinks."Sirius Is going to feel that one in the morning."

While Sirius is stunned, Terra fires A fire spell toward Sirius. Who recovers and Disapparates away. Eraqus and Terra exclaim in surprise."He can teleport?!"

Sirius Apparate Behind Terra and casts Depulso. And Launches Terra into a wall. Who falls to the ground, unconscious. Sirius pins Down Terra as Padfoot.

End of Battle.

Eraqus says."This match is over Sirius. Is the Winner by knock-out." Ventus asks, surprised."But how?"

Eraqus says."This outcome is not surprising at all." Ventus asks."what do you mean, master?"

Aqua explains."Sirius started training at the age of eleven. He received combat training from the age of thirteen."

Sora adds."Sirius fought in a war for three to four years. He has been a cop for the last five years. Terra is stronger. But Sirius is more experienced."

Eraqus says."That is a lesson Terra must learn. All the Power in the world is meaningless if you dont know how to use it."

Ventus says."But last time.." Sora cuts in and adds."Last time, Sirius was lost grieving for my parents and concern for me."

Aqua finishes."Plus, Terra had me backing him up." Merlin adds."Sirius cast his spells non-verbally." Eraqus ends the explanation."And that threw Terra off for the duration of the match."

Sirius transforms back and casts Rennervate on Terra, who wakes up. Sirius extends his hand, and Terra takes it.

Eraqus says."I guess it's time to head back to the Land of Departure." They all say their goodbyes, and Eraqus, Aqua, Terra, and Ventus all head back to the Land of Departure.

The next day.

Sora walks into the main chamber and says."Im ready for today's classes, Master." Yensid asks."What seems to be the problem, Sora? You dont seem like your usual cheery self."

Merlin says."I was about to say that as well." Sora says."It's nothing." Merlin replies."It seems last night's story still lingers."

Sora signs and says."Im sorry, but I'm not buying it. I understand Master Eraqus does not want to think ill of his lifelong friend. But people that obsessed dont change.

And the one person who can testify in his favor or against it has conveniently lost his memories.

To pretend otherwise goes against every lesson and class. Both of you have ever taught me."

Merlin says."It does indeed. That's why we dont believe it either."

Yensid smiles and says."Indeed, Too many things do not add up. Sora, should you in the future encounter Xehanort, proceed with caution. He is a devious tactician. Nothing he does is without a grander design."

Sora asks."So what do we do now, Master?" Yensid says."If one day we are to strike down Xehanort. There are several things we must do first.

First, there are allies we must gather. Second, we must train you and others up to the level of Keyblade Masters. Third, we need a base of operations.

Neither the tower nor the islands will be suitable for our objectives."

Sora replies."Fourth objective. I need to learn to control this." Sora extends his hand, and Darkness comes out of it.

Yensid says."When this Voldemort made a Horcrux out of you, It caused the Darkness within you to stir. I will help you control it.

Traditionally, wielders learn to keep it in check and deny it. But due to your past and experiences. That is no longer an option."

Sora asks."So I must become Darkness?" Yensid shakes his head and replies."No, You must find a balance that works for you. So it could be half light, half dark. Or Mostly light or Mostly dark."

Sora asks."How will I know what balance to take?" Merlin replies. "focus on what feels right to you."

Sora says."I will master."

The day continues as always. At dusk on the Play Island.

Riku asks."Ey sora? Are you sure you dont remember anything from your hometown?" Sora replies."I was one year old when I came to the islands, so nothing. At all. All I have is this recurring dream."

Kairi asks."About your Mother and a Green ominous light?" Sora nods and asks Kairi."Hey Kairi, Do you remember anything from your hometown?"

Kairi giggles and says."I told you before, I dont remember." Sora asks."Nothing?" Kairi replies."Nothing at all, But you know I would not mind to go and see it. How about you, Sora?"

Sora replies."I would love to pay my respects to my parent's grave. You know, thank them for saving my life. And to see something of my home. Along with any other world that might be out there."

Riku says."You know? I always wondered why we were here on this island. If there are other worlds out there? Why did we end up on this one?

And if there are other worlds out there? Then ours is just a piece of something much grander. So we could have just Ended up somewhere else, right?"

Sora replies."I admit it could be possible, but we dont know until..." Riku cuts in."Exactly. That's why we need to go out there and find out.

Staying here won't change a thing Because If we dont, It's the same old stuff every day. So let's go."

Kairi asks."You have been thinking about this a lot, haven't you?" Riku replies."Thanks to You and Sora. Without the two of you, I never would have thought about any of this.

Sora, Kairi Thanks." Both Reply at the same time."You're welcome."

Riku laughs and says."I hate it when the two of you do that." Kairi says playfully."Oh, you know you love us."

Kairi's reaction Caused all three friends to laugh.

End of chapter.

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