The Past and A Rematch.

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Eraqus says."Now that we all have gathered. Let us begin. Yensid, if you would."

Yensid says."When I gained the Keyblade, Merlin And I left our world behind for the first time. We were Master and Apprentice. Not unlike You and us now.

I found a wandering Master. Who trained me in the ways of a wielder."

Merlin adds."We traveled many worlds together until one day. We encountered two strangers. They, as you can guess, were Eraqus and Xehanort."

Eraqus begins."Me and Xehanort grew up together in a world called Scala Ad Caelum. We studied together with a dozen of other classmates.

But a civil war left only us and our master Odin alive. After our graduation, Our master passed away. And Me and Xehanort wandered the worlds until. By chance, we met Merlin and Yensid."

Yensid continues."The four of us. Unsure of our place in all of this. Decided to Travel together. And we Studied Magic, The Keyblade, and The worlds together."

Merlin says."The four of us became as close as brothers. And we decided like the Dandelions before us to protect the worlds and Maintain the balance of Light and Darkness."

Yensid says."But as the years passed. Xehanort, who was arguably the strongest and most intelligent of us. Became obsessed with the ancient Keyblade War."

Eraqus adds."He became so obsessed that he barely ate or slept. He was driven solely by his desire to understand the Keyblade War and Its outcome."

Merlin continues."He studied any Log, Tome, or Book. Anything that could sate his desire for the knowledge he craved. Until one day, he approached us with an idea."

Yensid says."He wanted the four of us to unleash a Keyblade war. By doing so, he had hoped to gain the answers he sought. Naturally, we turned it down and told him to let it all go."

Eraqus continues."a few months later. He approached me alone, Trying to convince me to change my mind. When I refused again, our meeting turned violent. And I would have likely died if not for Yensid and Merlin's timely arrival."

Merlin says."Years passed without hearing anything from our wayward friend. And we began to wonder if he Had Passed away or chose to retire and live out his days in peace."

Eraqus adds."I chose ten years ago to become a teacher and educate the next generation of Keyblade wielders."

Yensid adds."I traveled the world and studied the stars until I met a young couple and their son. In whom I saw great potential. I like Eraqus chose to don the mantel of a teacher."

Merlin."I kept wandering the outside world. Teaching youngsters how to connect with their inner magic."

Eraqus continues."Three years ago, Our old friend reappeared full of remorse. And with a student of his own. But he asked if I could take that pupil under my wing. As Xehanort felt unequal in his role as a teacher."

Yensid."We still barely hear or see anything from our old friend. But he asked recently to attend Terra and Aqua's upcoming Mark of Mastery."

Eraqus adds."We are truly sorry for keeping this from you. But we did not wish you to linger on a single mistake in an otherwise brilliant career."

Terra says."We understand, master." Aqua asks."Should we have any questions later?"

Eraqus says."Feel free to ask anytime. We understand that this is a lot of information to process."

Sirius, who has been silent the entire time. Approaches Terra and asks."So, Fancy a rematch? And no dirty tricks this time." Terra laughs and says."Two things. One, You have to let that one go."

Sirius asks."And the second?" Terra."You're on."

The kids and Sirius leave.

Eraqus."So what do you think?" Yensid replies."Terra and Ventus believe Xehanort's approach is sincere. Aqua still has doubts. But Sora and Sirius are openly skeptical."

Eraqus says."I can't blame them for that. They have felt the sting of betrayal before."

Merlin adds."And understand the effects better than most. But they are motivated by concern for us. Not out of a need to be spiteful."

Eraqus says."I'm sure when they meet Xehanort next year. Any doubts and misunderstandings will clear up. I will join the kids. I'm curious about the rematch."

Merlin laughs and says."I admit im quite curious about that one as well." Eraqus smiles and says."Well, let's join the kids then before we miss it."

Both of them head off while Yensid muses. "It seems Im not alone in my skepticism."

Ventus says."Alright, are you both ready?" Both Sirius and Terra nod. Ventus shouts."Begin."

The Duel starts.

Sirius thinks to himself."I need to keep my distance. Im in trouble if he gets close." Terra is also making plans at the same time."I need to close the distance fast. And nullify his advantage at ranged combat."

Sirius begins casting his spells but does so non-verbally. Sirius's spells connect Catching Terra off guard. Terra exclaims, surprised."I thought you had to say the spells to cast them?"

Merlin says."Classically trained wizards such as Sirius And I have learned the importance of the element of surprise."

Terra thinks to himself."Looking back, It was a good thing I managed to catch him off guard last time. I need to keep my guard up. He can hit me with anything without me knowing."

Sirius thinks."It's a good thing they cast a magical arena this time. That Keyblade of his packs quite a punch. And It's clear he is a lot stronger this time."

Sirius hits Terra with a variety of spells. Who deflects them with his Keyblade.

Eraqus thinks to himself."I knew Terra caught Sirius off guard last time. But even I'm surprised by the level of Skill. Sirius is showing here. It's clear that he is a capable wizard."

Merlin also is lost in thought."This battle proves that this Voldemort is no joke."

Sirius Keeps casting a wide variety of spells, While Terra manages to deflect most of them. And Terra slowly closes the gap between the two.

Terra has Sirius in striking range, who manages to dodge Terra's blows.

Sirius smiles and thinks."Terra is powerful. But he is an open book. I wonder how he reacts to this?"

Sirius smirks and says."Showtime."

End of chapter.

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