Another Path.

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The Mysterious Tower.

Harry Potter is lying in a crib in a mysterious tower. His parents are gone, and yet. Somehow, Harry has survived the attack on his family.

Harry is one year old with Raven Black hair and emerald-green eyes. He also has a fresh Lightningbolt scar on his forehead.

Meanwhile. In the main chamber of the tower.

A stern, wise, yet kind sorcerer seems lost in thought. His name is Yensid, and he is thinking about the events that transpired that day.

"What a day that poor boy having lost his family like that."


"Are you sure you want to leave the boy here, Albus? I watched them all day. They are the worst sort of Muggles." says a woman with a thick Scottish accent.

The man who is named Albus Dumbledore replies."They are the only family he has, Minerva."

The Woman named Minerva Mcgonagall says."The boy will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who will not know his name."

Dumbledore replies."Exactly, it will be better if he grows up far away. From all of that until he is ready."

Suddenly, a voice says."What if there is another way?"

McGonagall and Dumbledore turn around, and they see Yensid. Who introduces himself.

"Greetings, my name is Yensid. Im a wandering sorcerer. I'm here to collect young Harry per agreement with his parents. I have two letters with me that will explain everything."

Dumbledore reads the first letter.

Dear Professor Dumbledore.

If you are reading this letter, it means that me and James have passed away. And that you have met Yensid. A year ago, we were lured into an ambush by death eaters. And we were sure we would not make it.

Until Yensid arrived and without any effort. He Defeated all six of them, and we began talking. He saw potential in Harry and offered him a safe place away from the war.

Realizing that we were losing the war. And wanting to save Harry, we agreed with his offer.

We hope that you will honor our last will and request.

Lily and James.

Dumbledore says."I wanted to use blood protection to protect young Harry. But Perhaps this is better."

Mcgonagall replies, shocked."But when I said..." Dumbledore said. "You would be a great guardian for the boy, Minerva. However, You would not be able to keep him safe from death eaters. None of us could."

Hagrid asks."So, who gets Harry?" Dumbledore chuckles and says."Our new friend." McGonagall asks."Are you sure that wise Albus?"

Dumbledore says."Truthfully I dont know. But I decided to trust my students and take a leap of faith. Now I have a second letter to read."

Dumbledore reads the second letter.

Dear Professor.

I owe you an apology for a deception of mine. When you cast the Fedelius charm, we switched secret keepers. Our true secret keeper was Peter.

Sirius is and. I use the term lightly innocent. He might need convincing. That letting Harry go with Yensid is the best course of action.

Also, tell him that what happened is not his fault. Finally, we have items in our vault for Harry, and Yensid Sirius should be able to retrieve them.



Dumbledore says."Hagrid, can you go and Fetch Young Sirius?" Yensid says."Dont worry about that." Yensid pulls a bottle out of his robe, and out comes a young man.

Sirius asks."Where im I? When I get my hands on that old goat. He will pay."

Dumbledore chuckles and says."I do hope you dont mean me." Sirius asks in shock."Professor?" Dumbledore says."Relax Sirius. It seems that the old goat. Prevented You from making a mistake."

Sirius says."Professor, I want to be the one to raise Harry. Lily and James made me his godfather." Dumbledore says."I cannot allow that to happen."

Sirius asks."Why not?" Dumbledore says."Read this, Sirius." After reading the letters, Sirius turns to Yensid and asks."Can't I come with you? I'm the only family Harry has left."

Yensid says."That is not possible. But I dont see why the boy can't visit you or stay over. Also, you can pass any letters you wish to Mog."

A moogle appears and says."Im Mog Kupo, It's nice to meet you." Sirius looks up and says."I hope you know what you are doing, Prongs."

Dumbledore says."It's for the best, Sirius. The war might be over, but there are still many death eaters on the loose."

Sirius says."Let's go to Gringotts."

Yensid turns to Dumbledore and McGonagall and says."Good luck in your endeavors."

Yensid, Sirius, and Harry teleport away.

Dumbledore says."Good luck, Harry Potter. Come, Minerva, Hagrid. Let's join the celebrations."

And thus begins the legend Of Harry Potter, The boy who lived.

End Flashback.

Yensid then reflects on his visit to Gringotts."Luckily, the visit to the bank went smoothly. I'm, however, sad to see that in my years of absence. The wizarding world did not grow and develop at all."


Sirius, Harry, and Yensid enter the bank. Sirius walks up to a goblin and says."Harry Potter is here to make a withdrawal. And then the account is to be suspended until the boy's eleventh birthday."

The goblin replies."Does Harry Potter have his key?" Sirius says."Right here." Sirius pulls out a key and hands it over.

After a short ride on the rollercoaster, they stop at the potter vault. And inside are not only mounts of gold, columns of silver, and heaps of bronze. But also a chest with the name Harry on it.

Yensid shrinks the chest and puts it in his pocket. Yensid and Sirius walk outside. And Yensid says."Thank you. For your help, Sirius."

Sirius hugs Harry and says."I will miss you greatly, Harry. Be a good boy but not too good."

Yensid says."Until we meet again, Sirius." Yensid And Harry teleport away.

End Flashback.

Yensid continues to muse over the events that transpired when a voice says.

"It's been too long, Old boy." A wizard in blue robes waves and walks in. Yensid smiles and says."Too long indeed, my old apprentice. How are you, Merlin?"

End of Introduction Chapter.

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