The Birth Of Sora.

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The Mysterious Tower.

Yensid says."It would seem so, Sirius." Eraqus says."It's best if we take our leave from this world."

Merlin says."Indeed, there is nothing to gain by staying here." Yensid chants a spell, and the Mysterious Tower vanishes, Leaving the world of the Hallows behind.

Meanwhile, at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore is preparing his statement for the press. He thinks to himself."Today will go down in History as a happy day. And yet, I have rarely been so sad."

McGonagall walks in and asks."Are you alright, Albus?" Dumbledore says."Today is supposed to be a happy day. But how can I possibly claim that?"

McGonagall says with a tear in her eyes."Lily and James are Gone. Alice and Frank are Broken, never to recover. Those Poor boys will never know their parents."

Dumbledore says."They are not the only ones who will suffer from that tragedy."

McGonagall looks up in shock and asks."My godchild, she is alive?" Dumbledore nods and says."Yes, and living with Muggle Parents in London."

McGonagall asks."Where?" Dumbledore writes down the address and says."she has no idea she is adopted. Be very delicate around her."

McGonagall asks."What kind of person is she?" Dumbledore chuckles and says."Much Like her mother, she is very curious and will likely ask you many questions."

McGonagall smiles and says."Just like her mother indeed." Dumbledore says."Be careful when telling her about her family. We, for now, have no way of reuniting her with her younger brother."

McGonagall walks off, and Sybill Trelawney enters the headmaster's office.

Trelawney says in a raspy voice."Fourteen years from Now, Seven of Light and thirteen of Darkness shall 'dance' in a graveyard, and the outcome will decide the fate of the worlds."

Dumbledore listens, surprised and in shock. Trelawney continues."The two leaders shall mark each other as equals. Witnessed by the dark lord who is dead. For one can not live while the other survives."

Trelawney looks around and asks in her normal voice."Hello headmaster. Do you know why I'm here?"

Dumbledore says."Mabye you need to take a walk and clear your head, dear Sybill."

Trelawney says."A good idea, headmaster. I will come back later." And she walks off.

Dumbledore thinks."Seven of Light, Thirteen of Darkness. Dancing in a graveyard, what does it all mean?"

Dumbledore continues thinking."If Tom is the witness to the marking of equals? And if I'm the leader of Light, who leads the Darkness?"

Dumbledore finishes his train of thought."And does this mean that Harry Potter has already fulfilled the prophecy about him and Tom? And how does Harry Potter fit into all of this?"

Meanwhile, Back at the Mysterious Tower.

Aqua says while gushing over Harry."He is adorable." Harry likes the attention and his smiling and giggling.

Terra looks at Harry with complete and utter focus. And Sirius asks Yensid."What is the deal with that Terra kid? His fixation on Harry is freaking me out."

Yensid says."Just relax and be quiet. It will all be clear soon." Terra sees all sorts of versions of Harry in the future. He walks up to Harry.

Summons His Keyblade. And Harry, seemingly on instinct, grabs the hilt. And Terra says.

"In your hand, take this Key. So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder, you shall one day be. And you will find me, friend—no ocean will contain you then. No more borders around. Or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love."

A light shines from Harry's hand, and a new wielder has been born. Harry suddenly sneezes and blows out a couple of candles on the other side of the room.

Eraqus says."Well, This day has proven itself. To be a host of many surprises." Yensid says."From now on, Harry's name will be Sora."

Sirius asks."Why?" Terra says."When a wielder is Born, they will receive a new name."

Eraqus says."In Harry's case, it also serves as a shield. Your enemies will be looking. For a child named Harry, not Sora."

Sirius asks."Why Sora?" Eraqus says."When taking a new name, it's tradition to name the wielder after the first element they display."

Aqua says."In this case, Sora means Sky or Wind." Eraqus turns to Yensid and says."Are you sure about coming out of retirement? I can train the boy alongside Terra and Aqua."

Merlin says."Like me and Yensid, the boy is a natural-born wizard. He will require a different kind of training."

Yensid says."Indeed, Sora needs to interact with children his age." Eraqus says."You have a point, so I assume you have chosen a world for the boy's childhood?"

Yensid says."I will take the boy to the Destiny Islands. It's a peaceful World. And Eraqus?" Eraqus says."Yes Yensid?"

Yensid says."I would like you to assist in Sora's training. My specialty is Magic, but he will need lessons in swordsmanship too."

Terra says."Why not join us at the Land of Departure, then? He can be trained there alongside us if that is the case."

Eraqus says."By the time he starts training in earnest. You will likely already be graduated, and he will be alone."

Eraqus says."I agree with Yensid. It would be better for Sora to have a normal childhood. And I will be honored to help train the boy."

Sirius asks."Where does that leave me?" Yensid says."The boy will need someone to tell him about his family. And im sure there are many other things you can contribute with as well."

Merlin says."You could use some lessons as well, Young man. And you can help prepare him for when he rejoins the wizarding world."

Sirius says."Yeah, I can teach Harry. I mean Sora, how to duel. And How to be an Animagus." Merlin smirks and asks."What is your animal form?"

Sirius says. "Im a grim," Aqua asks."A grim?" Merlin says."A type of Dog. In Divination, It represents Change or according to some death."

Terra asks."Is that not dangerous?" Yensid says."No, His Animagus has the appearance of a Grim. Not the attributes assigned by Divination."

Terra smirks and asks."So he is just an overgrown mutt?" Eraqus says."Terra, that's enough. Show some respect, From what I heard. It is a piece of intricate Magic. Most wielders would love to be that connected to nature."

Sirius says."We learned it. To Help out a friend who suffers from Lycanthropy."

Aqua asks."We?" Sirius says sadly."Me and James Sora's father." Eraqus asks."What was his form?" Sirius says."A Stag." Aqua asks."A Stag?"

Yensid says."A creature representing Leadership, Grace, and Strength." Yensid waves his hand and Both. The grim and Stag appear on the table.

Sirius says."Our treasonous friend is one as well." Eraqus asks."What is the weasels form?" Sirius laughs and says."A rat, but that was a good guess."

End of chapter.

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