Timeless River Part one.

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Destiny Islands.

Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Sirius, And Merlin are ready to depart. Yensid conjures a portal for them to use. And before they know it. They are in Mickey's home world.

The Timeless River.

After they arrive, Sirius explains that they will use Mickey's house as a base of operations. After they arrive, Sirius begins to split up the group.

"Alright, this is the plan. Mickey and Sora, you will go to Mickey's neighborhood. And check for clues and ask around.

Merlin, Kairi, Riku, and I will go to the town center and see what we can find out.

We meet in the town square at sunset." Sora replies."Understood, Uncle Padfoot." Sirius answers."Be careful, Blitzen." Sora replied, annoyed."I never signed off on that nickname."

Sirius smirks and says."Well, unfortunately for you. With your dad gone, Im in charge of the nicknames."

Sora replies."Whatever, let's go, Mickey."

Sora and Mickey go to Mickey's neighborhood.

Mickey asks."So, Blitzen?" Sora replies."During Sirius and My dad's high school years, my dad and Sirius had a group called the Marauders. They played all sorts of pranks on people.

They also gave each other Nicknames. My dad was Prongs, and Sirius was named Padfoot."

Mickey asks."Why those nicknames?" Sora replies."Their names represent their animal forms.

Sirius is a dog. And his name is Padfoot, And My dad was a stag named Prongs. And Im a stag as well."

Mickey asks, confused."Stag?" Sora Transforms into his Animal form and back. Mickey snickers and says."It's a good thing you dont have a red nose."

Sora replies."Honestly, it would be an upgrade from Blitzen." Mickey replies, laughing."Yeah, you get to be the head reindeer that way." both laugh and head over to Mickey's house.

Timeless River Town Square.

Sirius lays out this plan."Alright, Merlin, you and Kairi will question everyone on the west side. And Riku and I will take the left side."

The group starts to ask the town folk about the missing people. But nobody knows anything. Or, more likely, they are too afraid to talk.

A few hours later.

Riku exclaims, frustrated."Well, this has been a complete waste of time." Sirius replies."Not at all. Their silence proves a couple of things."

Riku asks, confused."Like what?" Sirius replies."It proves they have control of the town. That Things are worse than we thought. And that Mickey's friends are in danger."

Riku asks."So what do we do now?" Sirius says."We return to the town square and meet up with the others."

Merlin and Kairi are asking around as well. And unlike Riku and Sirius, they have managed to find a clue. At the town square, the three groups have gathered.

Sirius explains."Alright, before I hear the reports from the other groups. Riku And I have asked around. And things are worse than we thought.

It seems that they have gained control over the city. And I have reason to believe Mickey. That your friends are in danger."

Merlin replies."I gathered that much as well." Kairi adds."I overheard that, in the woods, they are keeping two persons named Chip and Dale." Merlin adds."I overheard the same thing. And the source seemed trustworthy."

Sora says."We found the location of two of Mickey's friends. And it seems they are in the woods as well."

Sirius asks."How did you find that one out?"

Sora replies."Well..."


Mickey's house.

Mickey says."Here we are, home sweet home." Mickey opens the door, and he and Sora walk into the living room. In the living room, three suspicious characters are waiting.

The three have red shirts on, And there are plates with numbers on the shirts.

The big one says."Told you he would be back." The middle one replies."Who is the kid?" The small one."Who cares. Let's grab them both."

Sora replies."You dont want to do that." The big one replies."What are you going to do about it, Brat?"

Sora grabs his trainee wand and yells out."FIRE" A small fireball comes forth. And the fireball launches the big goon into the other two.

Sora then yells out."Incarcerous." And the three goons are tied up.

Mickey asks."Where are Donald and Goofy? And Minny?" The big goon replies."Why should we tell you?"

Sora walks up to the big goon and forces him to drink a potion. Sora says to Mickey."Ask him again."

Mickey asks again."Where are Donald and Goofy? And Minny?" The big goon replies in a monotone voice."You will find the duck and dog in the woods. We dont know anything about the mouse."

Mickey asks Sora."What did you give him?" Sora replies."Truth serum." the smaller goon says."That's not fair." Sora replies."I dont need a lecture about fair from a kidnapper. Now, why have you done this?"

The big one replies."Our boss has met a wanderer from a distant town and told him how to use the power of darkness."

Sora asks."What is that wanderer's name?" The big goon replies."She said her name was Maleficent."

Sora thinks to himself."So the person behind this is called Maleficent. I wonder if she and Xehanort are connected somehow?"

Sora gives the big goon the antidote. And as he is about to cut them loose. Sora's sword disappears in a wave of light. And in its place, A Keyblade emerges.

Sora uses his New Keyblade to cut them loose. And the big goon says."That was a big mistake." Sora replies."Enough of this." Sora transforms into his Animal form and stands on his hind legs.

Sora now towers above the three criminals who flee in terror.

End of flashback.

Sora finishes his story."And then we came here as soon as possible." Merlin says."Then, I think it would be wise for Riku, Kairi, and me to return to the islands. Here, take this."

Merlin gives Sirius a watch. Sirius asks."Portkey?" Merlin nods and says."I will report to Yensid. Be very careful. And dont even try to fight Maleficent."

Sora asks."Is she that powerful, Master Merlin?" Merlin replies."It's more than that. She is so dark that she is called the mistress of all evil. Save the friends and come back to the islands."

Sirius and Sora both reply."Will do." Merlin, Riku, and Kairi teleport away. Mickey asks."So when do we leave?"

End of chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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