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The Mysterious Tower.

"Old Boy? In my Day, we respected our Master." Said a black-haired man who was laughing and who looked like a samurai.

The man's name is Eraqus. He smiles and says."It's been far too long, my old friends."

Yensid replies."Indeed, How are you, Eraqus?" Eraqus awsners."I'm keeping busy. How have you two been doing?"

Merlin says."I wandered around the many worlds, teaching youngsters to connect with their inner magic. But what about you, Eraqus? I heard you have begun training students of your own now."

Eraqus replies."Yes, I believe it's time to raise the next generation of Protectors of balance between the light and darkness."

Merlin asks."Well, where are they? I would love to meet your pupils." Eraqus says."Due to the events that took place in the world Yensid visited. I had my students sweep the tower for intruders."

Suddenly, they hear shouting outside. "Let me go, you brat." another voice says."Shut up, intruder. Keep walking."

Suddenly, a beaten and bruised Sirius falls into the main chamber. Behind him, two teenagers walk into the room.

A Young brown-haired boy who is clearly in top shape, and His name is Terra.

And A Young Blue-haired Girl who has a graceful form. Her name is Aqua.

Terra says."Master, as we swept the tower per your orders. We found an intruder."

Aqua adds."He tried to resist using strange magic, but we managed to subdue him."

Eraqus says."You have done well, my students." Eraqus turns to Sirius and says."Identify yourself at once, intruder."

Yensid says."This young man's name is Sirius. He is the boy's godfather." Aqua asks."So he managed to get past Master Yensid?"

Eraqus laughs and says."No Aqua master Yensid wanted to see where the man's heart lies." He turns towards Terra and says."This man is not an intruder. You may let him go."

Terra says."Yes, Master Eraqus." Terra sets Sirius free. Who barks."Next time, you won't be so lucky, brat."

Eraqus steps towards Sirius and says, cooly."Yensid's guest or not. Dont ever threaten my students again."

Sirius looks at Eraqus and sees a man hardened by many battles. And thinks to himself."This guy is a lot Like Moody." Sirius says."Im Sorry."

Eraqus says."It's alright. From what Yensid told me. You had a rough couple of days. And im sorry for your loss."

Terra asks."Loss?" Merlin says."This man has lost his friends. The husband was his brother in all but blood. Like us and Eraqus."

Aqua asks."Im sorry for your loss. Are you alright?" Sirius says."Honestly, I dont know."

Sirus begins explaining what happened."About a few months ago. Our Leader, Albus Dumbledore, told us he found out that my godson was marked for death by the dark lord."

Terra. Asks with disgust in his voice."What kind of revolting monster targets a defenseless child?"

Sirius continues."Nobody knows where he came from or what his real name was. But from the moment he appeared, death and destruction followed."

Aqua asks."How can one wizard fight off an entire community of witches and wizards?"

Sirius says."As much as it pains me to admit, some are just that much more powerful than others."

Eraqus chimes in by saying."Yes, that is the case even among us as well." Yensid says."Please continue, Sirius. But if it becomes too much. Then we can take a break."

Sirius continues."The plan was my friends would go into hiding by the protection of the Fedelius Charm."

Merlin says."mmm, If that is the case, Sirius. Then you had a traitor amongst yourselves."

Sirius says."I was going to be the secret keeper. But I had An idea TO switch with A friend of ours so I could be a decoy."

Terra says."That makes sense. They can't find your friends via torture if they dont know who the secret keeper is." Eraqus says."It was a good idea. But your friend was unworthy of being called a friend."

Sirius says."Voldemort killed my friends in cold blood as he had done to so many before. And By some miracle, Harry Survived."

Merlins says."A miracle indeed." Aqua asks."What do you mean, Master Merlin?" Merlin says."Nobody throughout History has ever survived the killing curse."

Yensid says."The only explanation I have is that one of the parents was offered the chance to live and still chose to sacrifice themselves."

Sirius asks."But how does that stop the killing curse?" Merlin explains."It is old magic called sacrificial love. It coats the child, in this case, in a protective layer of magic."

Sirius says."Your magical knowledge seems to be in pair with Dumbledore's. Have you met before?" Merlin says."That name does not sound familiar at all."

Yensid says."I only met him once. This evening, but it's clear that he is powerful and knowledgeable on many forms of magic."

Sirius asks."What a minute, Merlin! As in the Merlin? As the one who lived a thousand years ago?" Merlin says."Time flows differently in many places. What was a millennium to you was only a few decades for me."

Sirius thinks to himself."It seems that James's plan might work after all." Yensid says."I will go and retrieve the baby. I will be right back."

Yensid teleports away and reappears with Harry, who sees Sirius and asks."Pafoo?" Sirius Picks up Harry and says."Yes, Harry, it's me."

Eraqus walks over and asks."Could you hold Harry while I inspect him?" Sirius says."Sure, no problem. But im Worried about that scar on his head."

Eraqus says."And You should be. I sense a great darkness coming from it."

After checking out Harry. Eraqus turns to Aqua and Terra and says."We, as Keyblade wielders, have many duties. One of which is to purify the darkness within people. Observe closely."

Eraqus summons his Keyblade and walks towards Harry. And Sirius is about to jump in front of Harry. Yensid says."Dont worry, Sirius, I did not bring Harry here only to have him struck down."

Eraqus aims his Keyblade toward Harry, and A gentle light engulfs Harry, purifying him of the Horcrux.

Harry's scar vanishes, and Merlin snarls."What a revolting wizard. Only the most disgusting wizards use Horcruxes."

Sirius says."What a minute are you telling me he is not dead?"

End of chapter.

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