A Surprising Visitor.

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The Next Day, Kairi, Riku, And Sora gather at the secret place. Kairi says."Welcome to today's meeting. Today, we will start debating. On how to reach the outside world."

Riku suggests."Why dont we build a raft?" Sora replies."If the weather is stormy, A raft will do us little good." Kairi asks."So what do you suggest, Sora?"

Sora says."We build a small ship. It might take longer. But we will be able to take more supplies with us. And we dont have to worry every time the weather turns."

Riku replies."That is going to take a lot of wood." Sora responds."It's better than drowning."

Kairi says."Let's draw up plans for both. And then we see the one we will pick."

Later in the evening, Sora explains to Yensid what the plan is.

Yensid says."I always intended to bring those two along. More than people and allies. We need those who we can trust more than anything."

Sora asks."So what do we do now, master?" Yensid replies."Tomorrow, you will bring them here." Sora says."As you command."

The next Day.

Riku asks."So where are we going? I thought we were going to the back of the island and start deciding about the Ship or Raft?"

Sora says."Well, we are going to need tools! So we can build one or the other. So let's go to the backyard and see what we can find."

Kairi asks."I thought we were not allowed back there?" Sora replies."I won't tell anyone if you dont." Kairi giggles and says."Okay."

They walk outside. And To Kairi's and Riku's shock, they see the Mysterious Tower.

Sora says."Let's go inside." Riku and Kairi both say."But." Sora says."Everything will be clear once we are inside."

The three walk into the main chamber. The three friends stand in front of the desk. And Yensid walks in.

"It has come to my attention that the two of you. Wish to venture out into the outside world." Yensid said. Merlin walks in and asks."How are you two planning to get there?"

Kairi says."The THREE of us are planning to build a small ship to travel." Sora asks."I thought we were supposed to debate. Whenever a raft or ship would be best?"

Riku says."Kairi And I talked about it on the way here. And we agreed that a small ship would be our best option."

Suddenly Sirius. Runs in and exclaims."You have to come to the beach on the kid's island. You won't believe what I found."

Yensid says."Me and Merlin will explain everything to Kairi and Riku. Sora, You will go with Sirius and Assess the situation."

Sora summons his two swords into his hands. That Causes Kairi and Riku to look at Sora, surprised.

Then Sora and Sirius leave. Yensid says."Why won't we observe the two of them? Are doing first before I start explaining."

A magical screen appears.

Meanwhile, With Sirius and Sora.

Sirius asks."You must be happy you no longer have to keep the truth from your friends." Sora replies."Yeah, I never liked having to keep secrets from them. I always felt awful."

Sirius says."Hey, you had to protect the natural order of things. It is not like you had a choice in the matter. Im sure they will understand in time. They are good kids."

Sora says softly."I hope so." Sora suddenly asks."So what did you find?" Sirius replies."Kid, It is one of those you have to see it for yourself kind of things."

They arrive at the play island, And Sora looks around and asks."Concealment charms?" Sirius nods and replies."If people saw what I placed under it, we can kiss the natural order goodbye."

Sora says eagerly."Okay, let's go check it out." Sirius says."You are so much like your father. Except for your eyes. You have your mother's eyes."

Sirius and Sirius walk inside of the concealment charms. Sora's eyes widen as he sees a bipedal Mouse lying unconscious on the beach.

Sirius asks."So besides the Obvious, what do you see?" Sora replies."I can tell from his clothes he is not from the Islands. I can sense he has no ill intentions towards anyone. But he needs Medical attention."

Sirius nods and gently picks up the mouse person and says."Are you ready, kid?" Sora replies."I hate side along Apparition."

Sirius and Sora return to the tower. Merlin says."Come on, let's take him to the infirmary."

Yensid asks."So, do the two of you have any questions so far?" Riku replies."Why did you choose this place?" Yensid asks."What do you mean?"

Riku asks."Out of all the worlds in the realm of light. Why did you choose this one?"

Kairi asks, shocked."Riku, are you saying you wish that Sora never came here?" Riku replies."Of course not. It's just that this place is boring."

Yensid smirks and says."When Sora lost his parents five years ago, I wanted him to have a normal childhood. So I choose this world with Many children around Sora's age."

Kairi asks with tears in her eyes."So that was not a dream but a memory instead?" Yensid says."Yes, Sora has unfortunately experienced True Horrors in his short life."

Kairi walks over and Hugs Sora, who hugs her back. Sirius walks in and says."Our guest is waking up." Sora says. "I will go check it out."

Yensid replies."We Will remain here. And continue the lessons."

Sora and Sirius walk into the infirmary. The mouse person looks around and asks."Where im I?" Sora replies."You are In another world called the Destiny Islands."

The mouse replies."I must be. I never saw something like you before." Sora laughs and says."Right back at you. Anyway, My name is Sora. It's nice to meet you."

The mouse laughs, too. And says."Im Mickey. Mickey Mouse, It's nice to meet you too, Sora."

Sirius says."And I'm Sirius. It's nice to meet you, Mickey. Why dont you take it easy for a few days."

Mickey exclaims, worried."I can't. My friends are in danger." Sora says."We may be able to help you. But you won't be able to help anyone if you dont recover."

Mickey says."But my friends." Sora says."I tell you what. Why dont you stay here And tell me everything? I will take your story to the masters. And they can figure out what to do."

Thus, Mickey begins to tell his story.

End of chapter.

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