Chapter: 14

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Sir Pentious had spent a week in the Hotel. Charlie wanted to do something to make the occasion special, by doing some bonding, but it didn't go quite as planned. Alastor left for an overlord meeting, Angel took the Hotel's staff to a creepy and disgusting BDSM place where everyone was doing some kinky crap, and Vaggie took them a dangerous part of Hell where everyone was fighting and had weapons.

But at the end of the day, everyone in the Hotel was laughing and getting along, that's all the mattered to Charlie and (N/N).

Currently. It was 'Show and Tell' day at the Hotel, and Angel decided to show everyone his best porn movie on TV. "You know, this performance, won me sex xxx award once." Angel said, clearly proud of the video he was showing everyone.

(N/N) couldn't see it at all, but she could hear all of the moans that Angel was making from the TV. "It's very honest." Charlie said nervously then turned her head away from the TV as (N/N) covered her ears. "Ew. Okay, enough of that. Angel what the fuck?" Vaggie was trying to cover Charlie eyes.

"What? You said it was show and tell day. I'm showing you my best film, and I'm telling you that it scored me a win over that bitch, Tiffany Tit Fucker." Angel said while pushing his fluffy chest up and crossing his arms in annoyance.

"You know. Not a very convincing interrogation scan." Husk said while cleaning a wine glass. He didn't care about the film; he just wanted it to be done so he couldn't hear it anymore. "Oh? All right then dickhead. What makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my fucking face?" Angel asked with a serious voice.

"You really gonna sit there and tell me that these scripts aren't hot garbage?" Angel gasped at Husk's words, which was true. In (N/N)'s opinion, the script was pretty bad, it didn't have any character development, little to no plot, and just went straight to the sex parts.

Angel then gestured to the TV. "Fuck you. This is classy art." Pentious covered his eyes at another sexual scene as Nifty was on the table with waving her legs in the air as she watched the TV with her twisted smile.

Husk leaves his place at the bar then walks over to Angel and the rest of the gang, whiling holding another liquor bottle in his hand. "Thats bullshit. You get and drunk and bitch about them all the time. Everyone likes to bitch to the bartender; I never think about you and these mother fuckers at this point.

Husk then uses his bottle to point at Sir Pentious. "That one! That one is an insecure buffoon who's lonely ass watches you idiots sleep." Everyone was looking at Sir Pentious with a weirded outlook as he smiled awkwardly. "The Princess, is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everyone else's problems, except her own." Charlie's eyes shifted as she nervously laughs. "This one, judges everyone and everything because she hates herself." Vaggie groans with annoyance. "Nifty..." Nifty smiles at Husk and licks her finger with a smile. "You don't even wanna know what her deal is." Husk then looks at one final person. The one who had stay quiet this whole time, (N/N). 

"(N/N) ..." Husk tried to think of any weakness or insecurity that (N/N) may have, but nothing came to mind. She was always brave, kind, knew how to take care of and respected herself while doing the same to others, always made sure to solve her own problems when the time came, and always respected other people's boundaries. Husk stays quiet for a moment. "I got nothin'." He said, then chugged down his bottle.

(N/N) smiled when she knew that there were no problems with her, according to Husk anyway. As Husk was drinking his liquor, Angel laughed at all the names Husk called everyone, minus (N/N) of course, "Oh! You weren't kidding! Wow! Kitten's got claws. Meow~." Angel put his hands on Husk's face, then pushed Angel away and pointed at Angel. "But you! Don't get me started, I've seen right through you and all this bullshit! And how fake you are."

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