The Beginning

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King Kai: Ah Goku, take a seat.

Goku: Hi King Kai, it's been a while, hasn't it?

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Goku: Hi King Kai, it's been a while, hasn't it?

Goku: Hi King Kai, it's been a while, hasn't it?

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King Kai: Yes it has Goku. Anyways, let's get to the point. In a few years, the multiverse will be in grave danger!

Goku: Again? Why not ask Gods Of Destructions or Zeni?

King Kai: Fallen asleep. And they are busy.

Goku: Vegeta and I can't go down there, we're already dead.

King Kai: Goku, we're going to ask the Namekians if they can give us a new Saiyan warrior who will be born from Earth!

Goku: Oh I get it, you want me to train him or her!

King Kai: Yes Goku, along with Vegeta.

Goku: I can't wait to train them! I can teach them so many things! And Vegeta can teach them about Saiyan Pride!

King Kai: But I also want to train the new Saiyan, so he or she can use the Kaioken technique and Spirit Bomb.

Goku: I'll make sure she or he's ready for whatever evil comes!

And soon, King Kai asked the Namekians to make that wish: Give Earth a new Saiyan warrior! We now look at Earth in the Bakugou residence. At this time, Mitsuki Bakugou is pregnant with twins. 

Masaru: I can't wait for them to be born.

Masaru: I can't wait for them to be born

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Mitsuki: Neither can I. Just a few more months until they'll be born.

 Just a few more months until they'll be born

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On New Namek

Moori: The wish has been granted King Kai. Anything else?

King Kai: Remove his or her tail, we don't want a Great Ape destroying anything.

Moori: Alright, Porunga, remove the Saiyan warrior's tail. 

Porunga: It has been done, you asked me to make someone out of nothing, so that took up two wishes. Peace out.

The Namekian Dragon Balls fly up to the sky before spreading apart, going in different directions. 

Moori: The wishes are done, may the multiverse be safe from this threat.

Back On King Kai's Planet

Goku: I can't wait to meet them. I gotta tell Vegeta about this.

Goku used Instant Transmission, teleporting to Vegeta.

Goku: Hi Vegeta!

Vegeta: What do you want, clown?

Goku: A new Saiyan warrior is going to be born!

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Goku: A new Saiyan warrior is going to be born!

Vegeta: What for?

Goku: Some evil that'll wreak havoc on the multiverse. So a Saiyan warrior is needed to stop it!

Vegeta: Fine.

A Few Months Later, April 20th

The room was packed with doctors as Mitsuki had finished pushing one of her kids. She was now ready to push the other kid out. She was pushing them out and squeezing the life out of Masaru's hand.

Masaru: Chill Mitsuki.


Doctor: One last push Mitsuki.

Mitsuki pushed with all her might as she saw her new child that was crying. Mitsuki held him and Masaru held the other kid.

Mitsuki: I think I'll name you...Kyuko. Welcome to the world, my bundle of joy.

Masaru: His name should be Katsuki.

On King Kai's Planet

Goku: He's born!

Gohan: I wonder how strong he'll be.

Vegeta: I'm training him, of course he'll be strong!

Goku: I'm training him too Vegeta.  

On Beerus's Planet

Beerus: Oh look at that, a new Saiyan warrior.

Whis: I'm impressed, a new Saiyan warrior. I'll like to train him when he's old enough.

Beerus: Yeah yeah whatever.

Although the parents never noticed, some of the Earth's greatest fighters had gave their blessings to Kyuko, and they were going to train this kid to be one of the strongest there ever was. Go Kyuko Bakugou! Go and become the strongest there is!

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