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i woke up feeling cold and pretty sore from last night, for a moment i didn't remember but then when i looked at myself half naked in just underwear and a bra i remembered everything and got butterflies in my stomach.

diego was still asleep so i decided to kinda mess with him, knowing i was shirtless and basically half naked i scooted closer to him and laid his head on my chest and placed my leg over his torso.

even though he was still asleep he wrapped his arms around my waist and dug his head deeper into my chest, it was quiet and the room was being lit by the sun beaming in through the window, it was cold in the room but at the same time it felt relaxing.

for some reason diego's room was so relaxing, i felt so comfortable and i just couldn't make out what it was, if it was the way his room was, but i loved it.

black silk sheets, many many pillows, nice cold blankets that were now warm, the fútbol medals that he's won throughout the years of him playing, trophies in a big clear cabinet, pictures of his most important moments and him with his family, as a little kid with his old soccer club.

the room smelt like a rose candle it had a natural scent that his mom always had in her house, it felt so relaxing. i'm not gonna lie i think i'm inlove with diego again.

i've been trying to avoid the feelings because i'm probably just his baby mama but after last night i just can't push the feelings away.

i snapped back into reality and the room was much quieter now idk why but it was just so quiet. diego was still asleep well i thought he was asleep because right after thinking about that i felt him slowly start to kiss my body.

his hands lowered down to my ass and squeezed it as he kissed right above my breasts. "good morning to you too dormilón" i said pulling away from the hickey he was making on my boob.

"you have such nice titties bro idk how but their so pretty" he said digging his face into them. i laughed at him and pulled his head away admiring his body.

"someone had a fun night" i said playfully talking about the hickeys all over his neck and chest. "baby girl that's nothing you should see my back" he said laughing.

"diego i'm so sore" i said whining. "you want me to massage you?" he asked getting up. i nodded and laid on my stomach feeling my ass cold since majority of it was out.

diego grabbed the controller and turned the tv on and went on spotify to play music i guess. i relaxed my body and diego came over too me and sat behind me.

"donde te duele" he asked slightly rubbing my leg. "everything diego you rearranged my entire body last night" i said making him laugh.

he unclipped my bra and i lifted my body to remove it, i took it off and threw it on the side of the bed, i laid back down and closed my eyes.

he slowly started to massage my shoulders and started to go all the way down too my ass. after a while of him massaging me he was playing the game while i was on my phone.


"mami!!" junior said running up to me with candy in his hand. "hi papi cómo estás!" i said hugging him and kissing his head. "lela me candy" he said showing off his candy. "oh wow le dijiste gracias?" i asked smiling at him. "si".

diego got out of the car and came over to greet junior and his mom. "gracias mama por cuidarnos al niño" diego said kissing his cheek. "no te preocupes hijo este niño es bien vago pero bien hermoso" she said as we laughed.

"okay mama ya nos vamos porque me voy a cortar el pelo y mañana tengo juego, ya sabes donde te vas a sentar o no?" he asked his mom. "si mijo gracias, adiós samantha" she said hugging me.

"adios mary muchas gracias por cuidar a junior" i said kissing her cheek. she said bye to junior and diego brought him back to the car.

we were currently at the gas station, diego stopped to get gas and me and junior got out to get some snacks. "diego orita venemos we're gonna go inside okay?" i asked diego who stopped me and gave me his card.

"pay with that and then pay the gas just 70 on pump 6" he said putting the gas pump into the car. "okay chulo gracias" i said as i walked hand in hand with junior.

i grabbed some chips and candy and junior got some hot cheetos and an apple juice. we went to go pay and soon went back out to the car where diego was leaning on the car.

he was on the phone and i went to give him his card back. "here kevin wants to talk to you" he said giving me the phone and taking his card. "bueno?" i said into the phone. "hey girl" he said really hyper.

"hi kev" i said as diego grabbed junior and put him in the backseat. "bro when can y'all come over i be bored asf over here like there's nothing to do" he said.

"kevin idk why don't you just come over or smth?" i said looking at diego who was opening the bag of chips for junior. "ouu okay well tomorrow i'll come over since i'm tired but we have sm tea to catch up on" he said excitedly.

"okay kev" i said laughing. "see you tomorrow" i said before hanging up. i gave the phone back to diego but not before looking at kevin's name. "kevin ballsucker🧌" i said confused.

"oh uhm don't mind that.." he said awkwardly taking his phone back.

"what do we do now i'm bored diego" i said leaning my body forward onto his. "we can go to the mall if you want or take junior somewhere" diego said wrapping his arms around me. "mm let's go to the mall cause they have rides there we can take junior to" i said as he nodded and kissed my head before opening my door for me.

i silently thanked him and got in the car looking back at junior who was watching paw patrol on his ipad while eating some chips. i plugged my phone into the aux and played some fuerza regida cs why not (🙏🏽).

diego got in and rolled the window down a little bit. he started driving and had his hand on my thigh tapping his fingers on me to the beat of the music.

after a while we got to the mall and diego parked a bit far but it was okay. we grabbed the stroller and i grabbed my purse and phone and we started walking to the entrance of the mall.

*skip like an hour*

we were currently in the croc store and i just has some croc charms and got junior some crocs too. i pulled out my card too pay but diego snatched it from my hands and gave the man his card. "diego you don't have to pay for me" i said. "but i want too" he said smiling at me.

the guy put the things in a small bag and i thanked him as we walked out of the store. "a donde vas ahora" diego said pushing the stroller. "mm can we go to sephora i really need a new lip liner" i said as he nodded.

we made our way down to sephora and i went to where all the lip liners were and grabbed a few along with a few other things that i found .

"okayy im done let's go pay" i said walking past diego making my way to the cash register. i pulled out my card and handed it to the lady as quickly as i could since i seen diego struggling to get his wallet out due to junior being on him.

the lady gave me my card back and put everything in a bag. i thanked her and made my way over to diego and junior. "i was gonna pay.." diego said. "no handsome you always pay" i said pinching his cheek. he gave me a smile.



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