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i was currently in the kitchen making some food for me and junior as he watched garfield in the living room, today it was just a day for me and junior since everyone was out of state and i couldn't go because i had to buy some things and go grocery shopping and do a few other errands.

it was only11am so i finished making the food and left it there too cool down for a little bit, good thing i cleaned the house and finally mopped the floors so the house was clean and i'm glad because it's huge.

only thing left to do was go get some groceries and some other things. i walked to the living room where junior was laying on the couch with his toys. "papi you hungry?" i asked him. "si" he said looking up at me. "okay just wait a little bit the food is still hot okay?" i said as he gave me a thumbs up.

i went back to the kitchen and served the food in two plates, nothing too special just some carne with papas and rice. i grabbed junior and went upstairs and into the bathroom. i sat him down on his potty training toilet and went into my room to grab some clothes.

i grabbed a pair of skinny ripped jeans and a blue shirt and some socks and quickly made my way back to the bathroom.

after junior finished using the bathroom i put him into the tub that already had some warm water and bubbles. i let him play with his toys for a little bit while i changed and put some deodorant on along with some perfume so that i wouldn't be stinky.

still keeping my eyes on him i brushed my hair and tied it up for now. i finsihed giving junior his bath and wrapped him in his towel. "mama" he said. "que paso baby" i said as i dried him. "where papi go" he said. "papi went to work with tus tíos y grandpa" i said as he had a little pout on his face.

"pero orita viene okay?" i said as he didn't say anything. i brought him back to his room and put a diaper in him this time since i know public bathrooms don't have small toilets obviously.

i lotioned him up and picked out an outfit for him as i brushed my hair again. i put his jeans on along with his socks and shoes and since he already knows how to put his shirt on i let him do that one by himself.


i was currently in walmart when suddenly i seen kevin. "kevin...kevin!" i said a bit louder then he finally looked up at me like 'oh shit'. "oh heyyy..." he said. "aren't you supposed to be out of state why are you here?" i asked. "so like your dad kinda didn't wanna come back for me cus i missed the bus and the plane..." he said saying the last part more quietly.

"pinche kevin i understand missing the bus but the fucking plane too?" i said laughing. "hey they didn't tell me when to be there okay!!" he said rolling his eyes. "okay bet so let's hangout" he then said. "okay if you wanna help with groceries that's fine with me" i said as he let out a loud groan.

"hey junior" he said as junior looked up at him and smiled. "kevin!" he said excitedly. me and kevin walked around as i grabbed the groceries i needed and he just put random shit in the cart without me somehow noticing. "kevin! we are not buying all of that!" i said as he looked at me like a sad little boy.

"cmon it's not that much" he said looking at the cart filled with 1% of groceries and 99.9% of random shit like slime, nerf guns, toys that i'm guessing are for junior, champagne which idk where he got that from, a soccer ball, a whole ass bike, a scooter, big lego sets, and pillows.

oh and he got a shitload of snacks.

"you know what find whatever makes you happy" i said fake smiling at him knowing i have his credit card pin and number memorized. after a bit more of walking around and me buying some other things i needed we finally went to pay.

"girl i'll pay you back you know i will" kevin said adding more shit to the cart. i nodded knowing damn well he never pays back and because he's gonna be paying anyway.


"kevin be a good tio and change juniors daiper" i said shoving junior into his arms not giving him time to react nor respond. "oh yes i like love changing diapers sam" he said sarcastically and going to juniors room.

it's been a few hours and me kevin and junior were just chilling at my house and watching movies and going outside to play. i decided to call my dad and see how their doing.

the phone rang for a few seconds before i heard a click and his voice. "bueno?" my dad said as i could hear a bit of the guys in the backround. "hola papi como estás how's it going over there?" i asked. "hi hija todo bien im good the guys are just warming up right now you know since the game is about to start" he said. "oh yeah huh, who are you guys playing today?" i asked. "panama mijah, oye mija i have to go their calling me for something al rato te marco okay?" he said. "okay papi sounds good, goodluck i'll be watching te amo" i said. "gracias mija te amo también bye" he said hanging up.

i turned the tv on and turned on the game while i waited for kevin to finish with junior. i grabbed some fruit and cut it up as i heard the two of them coming down the stairs laughing about something. i continued to cut the fruit and put it into a big bowl for all of us.

after i finished i grabbed some popcorn that was already in a bag and brought it over to the living room where junior and kevin were playing with the toys. "mami mami mami!" junior said. "yes baby?" i said setting the food down. "what are you doing?" he said in a curious voice. "i got us some food baby mira" i said pointing to the food.

we all sat down on the couch and i turned the tv up a little bit as they were now doing the national anthem. diego was starting and since i knew the camera was gonna show him i told junior to watch for his dad. after a few seconds the camera started going down the line and when it got to diego, junior was happy to see his dad.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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