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i walked around the mall with junior in his stroller, he was currently sleeping but as long as he was asleep i could shop in peace.

i made my way too hollister and searched around.

(guys isk any stores in mexico pls bear w me😭)

after a few minutes of looking i grabbed a few pairs of jeans , a black body suit and a few perfumes.

i went over too the cash register lady and paid for my stuff.

i walked out bag in hand when suddenly someone's grabbed my arm.

i stopped in my tracks and whacked whoever was there with my bag.

when they didn't let go i opened my eyes and got ready to throw a punch but was quickly stopped.

"diego.." i said looking up at him.

"samantha, long time no see huh?" he said.

how is he gonna randomly stop me on a nice day and act like nothing happened.

"leave me alone i don't wanna talk to you diego" i said pulling away.

"can we just talk please" he said taking a deep breath.

"diego i don't want you near me or my child please leave me alone" i said as junior suddenly started to cry.

i sighed and diego let go of my arm as i walked around the stroller and picked him up.

"que tienes papacito hmm??" i said bouncing him a bit too calm him down.

he just continued crying until i realized his back teeth were starting too come in and it was most likely causing pain.

i could feel diego looking at me but didn't care too look his way.


i watched samantha as she struggled a bit too find whatever she was looking for in her bag.

the baby kept crying though.

"diego i hate you so much but right now i need you too help me" she said handing me the crying baby.

i stayed quiet as she finally got what she was looking for.

"sit on those couches over there" she said as she grabbed the stroller and walked over there.

i followed behind her and sat on the couch as the baby faced her.

she bent down on her knees and put some liquid in his mouth and rubbed it into the back of his teeth.

the baby started getting more fussier as she did what she did.

"ya papito te vas a sentir mejor mi niño" she said as she put the medicine or whatever back.

"what was that?" i asked.

"teething medicine" she said as i nodded.

after a few minutes of the baby crying he finally seemed too calm down.

"so, who's baby is this? you babysitting?" i asked.

"gee diego you don't even know do you?" she said frustrated.

"know what??" i said confused.

"that's your child idiot" she said trying not too raise her voice.

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