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it was currently the next morning, i had woken up 2 hours ago but junior was still asleep.

i was currently watching tv and eating pizza rolls since i was to lazy to even make anything.

then i got a text.


buenos días hermosa🤍

buenos días diegito💗

como dormiste?

bien y tu??

bien también
i just wanted to know what time
you wanted me to come over so we
could go pick up the things for
juniors party?

uhmm well he's still asleep pero
you can come over rn or in a bit si quieres

okay i'll go right now since i don't have
anything to do!

okay sounds good:)
Read 10:28am

Diego💗 heart your message.

i got up and cleaned the kitchen and living room a little bit.

i cleaned up juniors toys that he left on the ground last night, no he doesn't have me clean up his toys sometimes i forget to tell him to clean them up.

i sat down and continued watching tv, a few minutes had passed and i heard a knock on the door.

i got up and went too open it who revealed a very good looking diego.

"hi" we both said at the same time.

i let him in and we sat on the couch and talked about how juniors party is gonna go.

"did you already baptize him?" diego asked.

"yeah like a few months ago" i said.

suddenly we heard small footsteps making their way downstairs.

a very sleepy junior dragging his oversized tiger from winnie the poo.

"hi baby" i said getting up and walking over to him.

he lifted his arms up and i picked him up and gave him a kiss as i brought him to sit with me and diego on the couch.

"dile hola a tu papi" i said.

he did a little wave to him in the most tired way.

"hi chaparro" diego said ruffling his messy curls.

"quien lo va a cuidar? o va venir con nosotros?" diego asked.

"uhm if it's okay with you we can bring him" i said as he nodded.

"okay, let me just go change his diaper and clothes can you please come help me with brushing his teeth?" i asked.

"yeah" he said getting up.

we walked upstairs and junior was just babbling his words at diego the entire time.

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