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i woke up with a big headache, i was in just a big t shirt no pants, makeup all messed up and my hair was a mess too.

i looked around and saw diego sleeping next to me.

he was shirtless and in just boxers.

my eyes widened at the the fact that i couldn't really remember what happened yesterday.

i quietly got out of the bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash this makeup off.

omg did we have sex??
no we didn't it's okay sam
omg what if he didn't use protection
what tf happened last night

i couldn't stop overthinking about what had happened.

i walked out of the bathroom, i put my hair in a low messy bun and got back into bed.

i checked the time and it was only 5:29am.

i was obviously still tired so i got comfy in the covers and closed my eyes.

"we didn't do anything don't worry" i heard diego say.

omg his morning voice

"oh uhm, i- i know" i said nervously.

i opened my eyes and saw him looking at me.

"you look good in my clothes" he said smiling at me.

"go back to sleep enano" i said.

"enano my ass your shorter than me pinche duende" he said laughing.

"i will beat your ass" i said.

"no you wont" he said.

"what time is your game?" i asked.

"at 8:00" he said.

"i'll be there" i said as he nodded.

"you wanna go back to sleep?" he asked as i hummed as response.

"diego" i said.

"yeah?" he asked.

"what happened last night?" i asked.

"everyone left around 3am i had sobered up a little bit, i washed juniors hands and face and hair and then i changed his daiper and put him to sleep" he said as i smiled to myself.

even when he's drunk he still know to take responsibility

"then i came to get you and you were stumbling over so i picked you up and i brought you here, i took your clothes off and took my shirt off and put it on you and i took your bra off while the shirt was on cause i know you whine about it being tight" he said as we laughed together.

"then i took my pants off cause it was hot and you were already asleep so yeah" he said.

"thank you" i said.

2 Años// D.LWhere stories live. Discover now