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like_A_feather_ Here's the happy one :)

„Urgh, why do I even have to know all of this?“, Legolas exclaimed annoyed.

He was sitting in Aragorn´s study in Minas Tirith with at least a dozen books on the table before him, flipping through one of them.

„Do you even know this? Who was the leading general in the Battle of the Camp who defeated the Wainriders?“

„Eärnil“, Aragorn responded calmly. „And yes, of course I know the history of my own land. Who, if not me, should know how Gondor turned out to be as it is today?“

„I forgot you actually liked history“, Legolas sighed. „I just can´t remember any of it. The names all sound the same to me, and all these dates I have to remember. For an elf, it seems like no time at all, and I really don´t see the difference between if something happened 1480 or a hundred years later!“

„Well, you´ll have to remember, my dear Legolas, because it is key to answer the questions right, if you want to truly become a citizen of Gondor.“

„I just hope the examiner won´t ask all of the little details“, the elf muttered and opened another book. It was on the alliance of Cirion and Eorl. This one actually interested the elf more, because he found it fun to read love into any close friendship between men. After all, history often hid same-gendered love behind a strong friendship, so maybe he was indeed right about it.

Aragorn chuckled.

„What?“, Legolas wanted to know.

„I´d just advise you to really learn these details“, Aragorn answered with a smirk on his lips. „I know the examiner and he is very strict.“

Legolas looked up at his love, squinting his eyes in confusion. But as he noticed Aragorn was trying to hold back a laugh, he suddenly understood.

„Don´t tell me you´re going to ask the questions!“, he burst out. „I would never pass the test.“

„Then study, little elf, it will do you good. And so that you aren´t lonely in here, I will educate myself as well and learn the history of your folk up in Mirkwood.“

Legolas couldn´t be mad, but smiled up at the man proudly. How had he happened to find such a perfect man to marry? Which they still weren´t, but it was only a matter of time until Legolas passed the test and was a gondorian citizen. Because only then would he be able to wed the king.

He reminisced that moment when Aragorn had fallen on his knee and asked him if Legolas wanted to marry him. It had been like in a dream, nothing he ever thought would come true. But it was true, and he had said yes of course and would do so a hundred times over.

Aragorn brought over a chair and placed it next to the elf. He slumped into it and opened a huge and heavy book. The man seemed to be genuinely interested in its contents, because his eyes concentrated on the pages and he flipped the pages once in a while. He even fetched a dictionary at one point, looking up some words in Quenya that he didn´t know.

Legolas chuckled.

"What is funny, little elf?“, Aragorn questioned, not taking his eyes away from the book.

„I was just thinking“, Legolas responded. „That maybe I shouldn´t have said yes when you asked me to marry you. Then I wouldn´t need to study these boring books. I could still be your secret lover and I would fuel all the rumours about the king´s affair, and in your dull meetings, I could come and massage your neck.“

The elf grinned.

„Well, about that last part, maybe you should“, Aragorn smirked back. „But you seem to forget I´d have made you marry me sooner or later. I´m very hard to resist.“

Legolas laughed out loud now. Putting his book back on the table, he reached forward and took the king´s face in both of his hands.

„That you are indeed“, he said.

Then he kissed Aragorn passionately.

„Maybe we should do a little break from learning“, he suggested in a small break to catch his breath, soon continuing to slide his tongue into Aragorn´s mouth. The latter one could only groan in approval, and, placing his book on the table as well, pulled the elf onto his lap to hold him tight.

Well, there is only to say that they both didn´t study anymore this day, but were very much occupied with more important activities.

Hello my friends, I hope I can brighten your days a bit with this story. It's a bit shorter than the other chapters, but better than nothing.

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