Ch 6: Emptiness

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Dion gazed at the vacant bed before her, remaining motionless in her place. Denise was no longer nestled in her arms; she had been taken away for cremation. The only thing left in the cell was the necklace she gave Dion, the mattress they made together and the food container that remained untouched. The contents were beginning to rot, emitting a foul odor that did not seem to bother Dion.

Nothing affected her anymore. She had been staying still for two days straight and she hadn't eaten anything. Rosaline would come from time to time to check on her, only to leave disappointed, carrying the untouched food away. Rosaline had a higher status than the normal guards and she ordered them not to bother her.

Dion was in disbelief. Denise's voice had vanished, and she could no longer sense her presence. A sharp pain pierced her chest, prompting her to clutch the stone pendant around her neck tightly. With an expression devoid of emotion, she held onto it firmly. From that moment on, Dion felt that there was no one to care for her, no one to attend to her injuries or remind her to eat properly, and no one to offer solace.

The first two years in the cell, Dion couldn't remember anything because of the trauma she had. When she turned 14, the guards brought in Denise. Ever since that, she had someone to talk to. Most importantly, Dion had found a companion who provided her with care and support.

They both bonded over time. Her wounds and fractures were already healed but she'd feel pain on her wrist and leg from time to time. But, it didn't hurt much anymore.

Back to the present, Dion was 19 and she just lost her only friend.

Above her cell, the guards were in a hurry. The Kingdom was under a big threat from a neighbouring werewolf pack led by their Alpha, Naza known for her vigour and strength. They were preparing for war against the Vampires and word soon got to the King.

They hated them for being at the top. They subjected them to servitude, much like they did with humans. Weaker werewolf packs were frequently targeted and exploited for hunting purposes. Among all the beings, the King of Aetheria was the most reviled, resulting in numerous enemies lurking in the shadows.

The King was demanding for more security and soldiers. He wanted more vampires as he felt insecure with the ones he had. There were only a few that were strong enough to fight ten werewolves. His associates suggested for a brawl. His human slaves to fight against each other and they'd personally pick out the strongest to turn them. The King agreed, that was the closest source he had for fresh vampires. It'd take time searching and capturing humans. They didn't know when the werewolves would attack.

So, it was decided. The guards were busy arranging for the fight in the arena. The King had his suspicions on his own brother, Jemiah. Even though he was of his own blood, he knew he wanted his throne. He asked Rosaline to keep an eye on Jemiah which she was more than willing to do so.

The day after, Rosaline walked down to the cell that held Dion. She had her meal with her and she ordered the guard to open the door. She walked in and stared at the woman who lost a lot of weight. Poor thing, Rosaline thought.

Dion didn't even bother to look at her, she sat still in the same position, her eyes fixated on the bed in front of her with a look that expressed nothing. Emptiness, that's what Rosaline saw.

She stood in front of her and placed the food beside her on bed. "Dion, you need to eat," she sighed, staring at the brunette.

"Denise wouldn't want this," she continued. Dion flinched at the mention of her name and that was the slightest movement Rosaline ever saw after Denise's tragic death.

"The King's organising a fight... between humans. You need to eat and gather strength. Don't disappoint Denise," Rosaline said and walked away. She said enough or so she thought to herself.

This snapped Dion back to what Denise said to her before she took her last breath,
"You must live. For us. For me."

Overwhelmed with anguish, Dion let out a trembling sigh and shut her eyes tightly. The desire to weep and shout consumed her, yet she lacked the strength to do so any longer.

Denise, give me strength. She pleaded. If what Rosaline said was true, she'd be facing the King and his brother, Jemiah. She'd be able to know who the rest were there in Jemiah's room. She needed to know. Her heart was already consumed by bitterness, brimming with intense hatred, and she craved vengeance.

For you, Denise. She promised, her heart was filled with rage and her body yearned for violence. She grabbed the container next to her and ate it. However, her body, weakened by days of starvation, rebelled against the sudden intake of sustenance, causing her to vomit it.

She got up weakly from bed and forced herself to walk towards the washroom. She clenched her jaw, struggling as she walked but she pushed through the pain, stepping into the washroom and subjecting herself to the chilling embrace of the cold water.

She couldn't die. She must not die. She knew she had to survive, not just for herself, but for Denise as well. The weight of responsibility pressed heavily upon her, and she was willing to endure any trial that fate threw her way.

In the midst of her struggle, a monstrous version of herself had emerged.

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