Ch 9: The Bringer of Death

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The King finally had his army ready. He turned more of his human slaves but none surpassed his sword, Dion. Any opponent who challenged her, met their death. Soon, she came to be known as Hel, the bringer of death.

Rosaline was the only one who called her by her real name. Even the King addressed her name as Hel. There was no Dion anymore, in place of her, there was Hel, a brutal new born who took the royal guard's place of Rosaline.

Dion had long forgotten the feeling of a living being, she felt herself inclining towards Hel, merging with her worshipper's Goddess as one. Although, she didn't comment on Rosaline calling her by her old name, to other's, Dion was dead. A dark butterfly had emerged out of its torn cocoon.

It has been 10 years, Hel  had become stronger and more brutal. The King was finally satisfied with what he had. An army of vampires, led by Hel with Rosaline as her right hand. Soon enough, he began to send his soldiers into the woods to hunt out Alpha Naza's pack.

Jemiah had died due to the constant torture and lack of blood. And the King didn't even acknowledge his brother's death. Instead he celebrated it. A burden lifted off his shoulders, he beamed.

However, the vampire soldiers who were sent to hunt out Alpha Naza's pack, were trapped in another Pack's territory and they didn't take the outsiders lightly. They saw it as a threat and instead of one pack, the King now had two strong packs forging a war against him. Words spread and the two packs had merged into one, lead by the stronger alpha, Naza.

Naza had heard of Hel. Words spread like wildfire and she had been expecting her.

"I'm going to kill her first. When she's dead, the King will be an easy kill and we'll win this war," Naza promised her mate, holding her hands gently.

Her mate didn't feel safe anymore, she felt anxious. Out far away, she felt an ominous power glooming over the forest as if a terrible storm was coming. The forest which had been their home for so many years, suddenly seemed like it was under watch by something very dark.

"Hel, the bringer of death," she whispered and it sent chills down her spine. She whimpered and hid herself in her mate's arms.

Naza was strong. In fact, she was the strongest alpha in her pack. Soon, they'll be at war with the heartless bloodsuckers and end it once for all. She had her neighbouring pack's support and she felt stronger than ever.
"Bring it on, Jeroen," Naza growled lowly, glaring at the Palace, far from her forest.

Jeroen was the name of the King of Vampires. He won his title after murdering Naza's family. Naza's father, Russel was the strongest alpha the forest had ever had before Naza. He lost his pack to Jeroen, leaving Naza as the only survivor. She was welcomed by her mate's pack and soon after, she led them.

On the other side, in King Jeroen's chamber, Rosaline stood behind Hel, the later facing the King.

" Those mutts need to be wiped out," he spat, resting his hand on the arm of his seat. He took a sip of the blood in his golden glass, gulping it down aggressively, "How dare they challenge me? I should've killed Naza, that filthy pup," he chuckled.

The golden haired hemovore glanced at his strongest warriors standing still in front of him. He was proud of what he made seeing Hel in her current state. A sense of pride washed over his cold body.

"But you, my dear,  you have my blood in your veins and you can wipe them off the earth," he smirked at Hel.

"Rosaline shall accompany you, new born. You both are my strength. Show the world how brutal I am," he gritted his teeth, baring his fangs at both of them.

The golden eyed vampire lowered her gaze and bowed before she followed Hel to the large metal door that had intricate designs, enclosing the chamber.


Hel along with Rosaline led the way to the forest, wiping out any rogues they encountered, vampires and werewolves alike. Soon, it reached Naza's newly formed pack. War was coming to them and now, they have to be more than ready to face Death. Naza's mate was made to hide with the rest of the members that were weaker or in no shape to fight.

The werewolves met the vampires in the middle of the forest. Both sides not backing down. The forest gloomed with an air of a terrible fate creeping behind and instead of thunder, the once quiet forest roared with the sounds of growls and hisses. Other mythical creatures refused to cross the forest's boundary, trying to stay as far away as possible.

Death and injuries on both sides. Rosaline lost her right arm to Naza, she grabbed the detached arm to herself as she watched Hel get pinned down by Naza and Hogyar, the former alpha of the second pack.

It was the first time Hel had encountered an Alpha werewolf in their most powerful form. They were much bigger, the size of a full grown bull with their fangs protruding out of their jaws. The rogues were nothing compared to them.

Rosaline sped towards Naza, sinking her fangs deep into her shoulder, tearing her away which gave Hel a chance to stand up and grab Hogyar by his neck, pulling him to her chest as she choked him in her arm with a headlock. It was too late when Naza freed herself from Rosaline as Hel had twisted his head brutally. The former alpha dropped down on the forest, his body stopped moving. With a swift movement, Hel separated his head from his body. Unlike vampires, werewolves wouldn't heal from a detached head when put back together.

A moment after, a loud howl was heard not too far away into the forest which made Naza nervous. Hogyar's mate who had been hiding with her own mate and the rest of the pack, had let out a loud howl feeling the death of her mate, which gave their hiding shed away.

Hel and Rosaline could both sense Naza's nervousness and soon after, they understood. The rest of the vampires fought the werewolves who were trying to stop both of them from forcing themselves towards the shed's direction.

Naza became frantic, focusing all of her energy into stopping Hel and Rosaline from reaching her mate that she ignored the rest of her pack, leading to the mass murder of the werewolves who were fighting for her.

Naza stood in front of the vampires with her four pack members and they were the only one left who were standing between the vampires and whoever that's left of their pack. Naza was soon hit with realisation. She can't protect them anymore. She breathed heavily, tears streaming down her face as she felt her mate's connection. They were both breathing at the same pace, that's how connected they were to each other.

She transformed back to her human self and dropped to her knees in front of Hel, the rest of them soon followed after. "I...I give up. Don't hurt them. Please," she begged, her eyes looking up at Hel with tears streaming down her face.

"I submit to you," she gave up.

"And why should I spare you?" Hel questioned, grabbing Naza by her neck. Is this how strong a mate bond is? Hel wondered.

Rosaline grabbed Hel's wrist to loosen her hand grabbing Naza's neck. "She submitted to you. The war is over," Rosaline spoke sternly, looking into her deep crimson eyes.

"Pathetic," Hel looked away from the blonde woman and glared at Naza. "All that strength just to cower in defeat," she spat.

Rosaline watched Hel with a rather disappointed look. She didn't understand the strength of the bond. She didn't understand that a mate's bond surpasses pure physical strength.

But to Hel, the mate bond was a weakness.

"That's enough, Dion. "

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