Chapter 6: Pregnant

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I carefully lean out of bed, making sure not to disrupt my little bump. It is slowly, but surely, growing bigger. Peeta bought a book that tells us how big the baby is, depending on how long the girl has been pregnant. Apparently, the baby is the size of a pinhead now. It feels so weird to know that a real-life human is growing inside of me.

We haven't told anyone about the baby yet, in case we had a miscarriage. But Peeta thinks that we are past that stage now. He thinks - He knows - that we are ready.

"Hey, sweetheart. " Haymitch takes one look at my stomach and says, "Been eating too much, have we?" "Haymitch!" Cries Effie. "Don't be so rude!" "Actually..." I tell them. "We've been wanting to talk to you about something, and we think that we are finally ready." I nudge Peeta forward. He looks at me, and I nod. "Katniss is pregnant!!"

Effie looks at me and then at my stomach and puts two and two together. "Oh my goodness! There's so much to do! We must prepare a nursery, buy clothes, set up safety rails around your house...." I know that Effie will go on and on, so instead, I say, "Hey, Effie. We can think about all of that later. For now, we can sit back and just enjoy before this little bundle of mischief arrives."

As Peeta and I are leaving, Haymitch winks at me and murmers, "Nice job, sweetheart."

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