1] The ' thing '

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You Become what you Believe

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You Become what you Believe

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𓆩 ANIKA  𓆪

" Pl... Please fo... forgive me. I will n.. never do this a.. again. I.. I will vanish from this country and will n.. never come in front of you or your 10km radius. Please leave me " A man front of me cried while joining his hand and sitting on his knees.

I could have forgiven him but he dare to touch my thing and the only thing I hated the most is when someone touch my thing or middle in my buisness.

"I'll let you go, just tell me where is that ' thing ' . " I said with calm voice while pointing the gun on his head . " I.. I don't know wh.. where it is. My job was only to steal it a.. and hand it over to the m.. man " he said every word carefully, and this is it , my temper took over me and I emptied all four bullets in his head . " Anika! , what did you do. We could have get some information about that man from him. Damn Anika ! " Sid said from my back and walk away stomping her feet .

It wasn't my fault, I can't control my temper.

I throw the gun on other side and tell the men to clean this mess and walk away. Outside the building Sid was waiting for me in the car . I walk toward the car ,open the door and sit on the back side. She started the car and start driving.

I keep looking outside the window, nothing specific. The bright light of shops was making it hard to think it's night, everyone is full of joy and excitement. But me on the other hand, is surrounded by darkness, it's nothing new, but still at some corner of my heart I wished I was like them . But now I can't even imagine to be like them , I had rotten from inside, I am so used to this environment that I can't leave as normal human being again.

My mind was Full of thought and restlessness. The only thing which keeps me distracted from this thought is my job and now it's also converting into another headache.

I was so close to that clue, but again I lost it . Everytime I think I am close it walk far away. I have never face this much of failure and this thing is pushing me more to dig inside .

Anika roy , never loose.

I sighted and close my eyes and leaning my head on the window glass. I didn't know when I fell asleep but when I open my eyes we were already reached home and and Sid was outside the car talking to someone on the phone. Her expression were tense and she was shaking her leg which implies bad news.

She ended the call and put it in her back pocket. She turned only to see me wide awake and looking at her in questioning look. She walk toward me and open door so I can come outside.

" Hi, Anika. You woke up, I thought you were very tired so I didn't wake you up. Are you feeling good now. " She said with a gentle smile, like I haven't killed a man in front of her eyes a while ago. I nooded and start removing the leather jacket which was hanging on my shoulder, she must have put this when I was sleeping. The second I removed the jacket, a cool Breeze touch my skin and I shivered. But get comfortable in few seconds, she takes jacket from my hand and start walking toward driving seat.

" Who's call was that" I asked suddenly, her back was facing me but I saw her getting stiff the moment I mentioned this. She turned after few minutes and her grey eyes looked directly in mine , she knew me too well, I hate people who doesn't look directly in my eyes. "It was rishi, the detective you hired to find where that 'thing' is and.... " she stopped and look down. " He said that , the man who hired that thief to steal it, we have lost him. According some news he was going to India. But for now we don't know where he is  " she completed still looking at a ground.

The moment I listen this my blood boil like volcano. The anger fully took over my sane self and I Slam my hand on the car window, it breaks into pieces and fall on the ground. Sid raise her head only to see my hand filled with blood. She move toward me to grab my hand but I stop her from my other hand , she looked at my hand and then my face only to see the eyes reder than my hand . She takes a step back but keep looking at my hand full of worry. I turned and start walking toward my apartment, which was on the top floor of most expensive building in America.

I touch the elevator button with my bloody hand which leave stains of my blood on the button, but do I care? No , not at all. My only concern right now is to reach my apartment and release my anger on something. The elevator reach in a minute and open with tinn sound. Thank god there was no human inside or else today would be there last day on earth. I closed the elevator and click on my floor, the blood was dripping from my hand like a water , but I was not even feeling the pain , the fire in body was destroying me from inside. The moment lift door open I run toward my apartment and enter the code, the door open and I entered in  closing the door with the force .

" Ahhhhhhhhh" I shouted my lungs out, I start throwing things in my room, everything was shattering . After hours of distruction I sit on the the sofa near me , closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I am feeling calm now, the fire is lightened but still there.

I know my rage is something I should control, it not just harm other but me . But I can't help it , it's something out of my hand . I pull a phone from my back pocket and dialled Sid's no. Which appeared instantly and I call her . She picked up after 2 rings "Hello, finally you called. I was dying here in concern. So , how's your hand , did you put ointment on it . Obviously not " she keep asking and after getting no response she stopped. " Ok , open your door I am coming upstairs " she finally said, leaving me speechless.  She was down all this time. Do I really deserve her .

After few minutes she came but the moment she step inside the room her eyes become wide open seeing her surrounding. The place was looking like, the tsunami had came few minutes back . She looked toward me with that wide eyes and her shock eyes change into a dangerous glare , it feels like today she's not going to spare me but the moment her eyes landed on my hand, which was still bleeding, her eyes instantly softened and feel with lots of concern. She carefully run inside the washroom and return with first-aid Box, she sit on her knees and start putting ointment on my hand . She didn't look up toward me , her Full focus was on my hand . She is ignoring me.

To catch her attention I flinch a little and she immediately look at me with her concern grey eyes "Sorry sorry, did I pressed hard" she asked, I denied and she again looked down. We both keep silent. After some  time she spoke " you don't need to harm yourself every time something like this happened. " she asked while looking in my eyes with concern. I nodded, and she stand to sit beside me . The whole place again become pin drop silence.

But this time I Break the silence.
" Let's go to India ".

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Hi bubble's , hope you like the chapter 😚.

I tried to be accurate but if there any mistake please don't forget me point it out. 😌

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