4] The bangle and diary

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Where there is truth, there is victory

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Where there is truth, there is victory

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( the antique bangle)

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( the antique bangle)

"A half bangle ! " I exclaimed. " How this reach here? I thought this is with that man." I questioned myself, " and if this is here then what was that, I am running behind for months? " The whole incident is making me dizzy. But when I observed it clearly it seems to be really old and kept here for decades , the webs on it proved my point.

"But, I had seen the 'half bangle' kept in museum once , it was well polished, shinning as if it's new . And this one has no comparison to that one, kept in museum " I started connecting the dots, and reached to one conclusion, but still I am not 100 % sure though.

According to me, this part is other half of that bangle.

I looked down, inside the box, only to find a old diary inside. It must be Nono's diary. I picked it up from the box and was about to open it but my phone ringed. I groaned in irritation but still pick it up, " Hi, Anika. Where are you? I am waiting for you in reception. And do you know, we find that man who had that antique bangle. Obviously , you know, he'll tell you first. anyway, Come fast" She said stating the fact.

I hummed and cut the call. I put the diary and the half bangle on my pocket safely and leave the place.

I reached hotel in just 10 minutes , thanks to my fast driving skills and from there we leave to catch that bastard.

We reached his office and find him tied in his own cabin on his chair. A cloth was stuffed inside his mouth so that he can't speak or shout, his hand and leg were tied with jute rope tightly and he has bruises all over his body, due to privious torture. I walked toward him and grab his cheeks between my two fingers. "Now did you understand, what happen to the one who put there eyes on my thing" I said with a straight face. Even looking at his face makes my blood boil.

His eyes widened due to fear, obviously he knows whom he had messed with.
"Mmm mmm mm" he try to say something but the clothe inside his mouth doesn't let him speak. I removed the clothes and he started shouting "Help! Help! Someone there. Guards. Anyone, please Help" he shouted near my ears and there I loose my temper completely.

I started punching on his face again and again until he nearly fainted, and when he shut up I said " No one is outside and no-one is outside. My man had killed all your guard's before I came and all your employees run away. So , stop shouting my ears are hearting" I said nonchantatly and stuffed his mouth with the clothes again.

" Did you find that antique bangle? " I turned and asked everyone. They nooded and pulled a silver jewellery box in front of me. I walked toward it and oppend the box . The bangle was in front of my eyes, shinning like newly made. I take the box in my hand and start walking outside the cabin, but before walking I ordered my people to finish him and clean the spot.

I walked outside the building and sit inside the car , the door of driver seat open and sid take her seat. Till now I didn't notice she was with me, I completely forgot about her, and here she's driving my car like I hadn't ignored her whole day. Sometime it really fascinate me , how ahe tolerate me ?.

" So , what happen, why were you so absent minded today. Did something happened that I don't know, and where were you before" she shower her questions on me without taking a break." Nothing happened. And I went to my childhood home. Nothing more. " I give her answer in short. " But , I want to show you something, let's go to our hotel rooms first " I said. Because even if I don't trust anyone, but she deserves to know this , she had equal share of hard as me . She looked back for a second and then turned forward. She hummed and continue driving the car.

We reach to my hotel room and sit on my bed. " Show me, what is it that you want to show me so desperately" she asked with excitement. " I am not desperate, but yes it's very important. " I cleared. " ok, ok whatever. Now show" she said.

I take out the the box and the bangle in pocket together. " Are, why did you remove that bangle from box , it is safe inside" she said looking at me with confusion. " No , its not the bangle kept inside." I said. " Then ?" Her confusion increases more. " its the other half of that bangle" I said.

For a minute she sit still, but when her mind registerd what I said, her hand automatically moved toward her mouth and her eyes widened with shock, she was about to shout when I put my hands on her mouth to prevent the sound . I waited till she recovered from the shock, and when she became a little normal I opened the jwellery box .

The moment I opened the Box, both parts of bangle started shining with blue light. It leaves me in the biggest surprise, but still take the other part little closer to the box . As I was decreasing distance between them the shin was increasing and atleast I put them together. It suddenly shine with an eye blindnig shine, we both put our hands in our eyes.

After some time when the light dimmed a little, I removed my hand from eyes but the seen before me was something my eyes would never believe.

"Wow!" Sid exclaimed.

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Sorry for late update but I am not in my hometown, so its difficult to update frequently 🙁

So, how's the surprise 😉

Did this also leave you in shock?

What do you think, what happened with the bangle? 🤔

I know chapter must have lots of grammatical error but please ignore it 😚.

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