8]The Jungle Sufary

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In every situation, extremity should be avoided

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In every situation, extremity should be avoided.

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"What!, Wow!" Sid shouted more louder than it's needed. Her light up with happiness ,a big smile spread on her sad face, her eyes which were red due to crying were twinkling like star's.

This girl is impossible, one moment she is crying and in next she is giving her biggest smile.

I huffed and shake my head in disbelief. " you are serious right!" She asked after comming out of her little celebration, " did I ever joke?" I raised my one eyebrow and ask her , she shook her head rapidly and said No loudly. "Then!, Now go we are leaving tomorrow morning." I said with a small assuring smile, she was about to leave but I stopped her and warned "and listen carefully. No. Useless. Thing . We are not going there for enjoyment, we are going there for a mission. Understand! " I glared at her , she shook her head desparately and then leave my room.

I also start packing important things which will be needed. The time I finished it was already dark and when I look at the clock, it's already mid-night. I huffed and lie on my bed , soon sleep embrace me and I went into deep sleep.

The next morning my eyes open with the continuous knocking on my door. " this person must have a last wish , that he dare to disturb me this early in the morning" I stormed toward the door in anger. I opened the door and for a moment I didn't recognise the person in front of me , I rubbed my eyes to see the clear view and here she is, Sid.

Wearing a khaki colour shots and shirt with a weird looking cap, a black Google's on her eyes, a huge tracking bag on her back as if she is carrying a burden of whole world , a Black tracking shoes  and a DSLR in one hand. My lips automatically formed in oww after looking at her look, she was looking gorgeous.

" Ready for the Adventure!!!" She exclaimed joyfully

But when did she arranged this all and why she's wearing this clothes just for a small trip. I looked into my clock and found it's only 7 in the morning, and she's so energetic, how." what is this! And it's only 7 right now, too early for any trip" I stated eyeing her from top to bottom, " what do mean by what's this. This is a preparation of today's JUNGLE SUFFARY. " She said those last words with full of excitement and
pointing at her clothes.

Ok , she had already given the name to our trip. And
I just can't believe this girl, how she easily made everything at her convenience. If I had asked her to wake up this early for work she could have slept till sun rises and here I just said we are going out she is jumping like a Bird who is desperate to be freed .

" this is not Africa aur Australia, that you have to prepare like this. Its india , we probably doesn't need this much of things" I said while pointing at her outfit . Her smile vanished for a second but return in same speed " I don't care, its my burden and I want to take this all. Do you think any problem " she said staring at me intensely. " and it was also in my 'wishlist before death' to go tracking in Indian jungle with you. " she said cheerfully hooking her one hand in mine.

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