18] The Kiss

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As I move toward my room, temporary room. My mind repeat everything happens today, its still morning and I am already feeling tired of this drama.

First he woke me up early morning, then call me to his room just to ask silly questions.

It wasn't that silly though. My subconscious mind said.

I can still feel his hot gaze on me, and something is happening with me. And he hadn't even touch me yet, now I am scared what he's capable off.

Scared or exited. My subconscious intrupted.

Whatever it is , who cares.

And his brother....

Harshvardhan Somvanshi, is seducing me openly. Even if his technique is nice , but still, why he's trying it on me .

This brother are making me crazy now.

thinking about this whole thing , I entered into room. but the thing I saw before my eyes was the last thing I ever expected.

" what the hell both of you doing!!!"



after anika suddenly leave from the tunnel. Everyone gaze follow anika , sid and rishi in confusion , and harsh fluster from his unintentional flurting. but knowing Anika , they know that they are not going to get any answer even if they keep standing here.

every again started doing there respective work, soldier again started their failed attempt to control that giant animal , harsh started giving them some ideas and sid and rishi left for there given room . to get freshen up .

soon they both reach there room and picking there clothes, which they have brought before coming to the jungle trip, which accidently turn into time travel. they both started walking toward bathroom , but abruptly stop when they were about to collide each other.

they both look toward each others eyes. and suddenly they remember the morning seen, where they woke up in each other arm. cuddling each other so tightly, as if there life depend on it. both of them cheeks turned into a lighter shade of pink and they look down to avoid each other eyes.

"y..you can go first. I'll go after you. " rishi said , moving a little back to give her space to walk. sid was about to protest but , looking at his genuine eyes she can't able to denie him . she slightly nodded and make her way inside the bathroom .

rishi rub his back neck and smile slightly at her back. something inside him has started to change , and even he can feel it. the boy who never even dare to look at girls, has started to feel longing to see someone. the man who never care about his surrounding has started to care about that one mad girl , who is second name of problem. he never cared about his appearance but now when she is around him , he feel self concious .

god knows what is happening with him , but whatever it is , it feel incredably good.

after sometime the door of bathroom open and sid walk out, her wet hairs tied in towel. wearing a full sleave top and a skinny geans. her eyes land on rishi , who was standing at corner ,his back facing her.

she walk toward him, curious about what he's doing at a corner , as she reach near , she saw him holding something his hand. but before she can see what he's holding , rishi heard someone footstep and he immidiatly hide the thing and turn to face the person.

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