2] The trip to India

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Silence is an instrument that achieve all ends

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Silence is an instrument that achieve all ends

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𓆩 ANIKA  𓆪

" What!" She exclaimed  "Are you crazy or something. You want to go back to India just for that 'thing' . For the past 12 years you have avoided visiting India just like the plague, and now,  suddenly,  you want to visit India. " She asked everything in just one breath.

It's not her fault though, from the day she knew me , I've avoided everything related to India, she didn't know about my past but anyone can guess it's not something I want to share .

Even I can't believe myself , that I am going back. Back to that hell from where I had to  run back then. But now I am not that weak girl who used to run from her problems. Now, I have the power to kill my problems in just one glance. But still my past memories haunt me.

I don't know what will happen now, but now I am not backing off.  "Yes , and that's the final decision. If you don't want to, you can stay here but I am going." I  declared. She looked towards me dramatically , as if trying to read me , but even she didn't have that ability to understand me, till now. " Ok , if you're insisting so much, how can I disagree. After all I have a big heart" she said while flipping her hair backside in a dramatic manner. I shake my head with disbelief, and start walking toward the kitchen. How did I get this dramatic girl.

I opened the door of the fridge to find anything to eat but the whole fridge was empty.  I sighted and walked outside again. I was about to say something but then my eyes landed on the parcel kept beside Sid , I looked up toward Sid and she was smirking, a proud smirk. " I know,  you'll be hungry after working hard. So , I brought it while I was downstairs." She explained and taunted at the same time. I shook my head again and walked toward her to sit beside her and start opening the parcel. The delicious aroma of food spreads around the room, the second I open it . We both started eating in silence, a soothing silence.

" by the way, why did you want that 'thing ' so desperately " she asked breaking the silence. " Because it is the only proof that can confirm the existence of Indrajala " I explained in short .She forms an ohh with her mouth and again starts eating. She still had many questions but she decided to keep quiet.

After finishing the dinner She left for her penthouse. Leaving me alone in this big house, I walk toward the glass window which shows the view of the whole city. The city was twinkling like a star in the sky, the view was mesmerizing ,  But my mind was messed up to enjoy the scene.

I had always avoided going back to India but now destiny had brought me in such a situation where I had no option other than going back. I thought and sighted on my condition.

I walked toward my bed which was the only spot which seems clean in this whole room. I lie on the soft bed , looking at the ceiling. I closed my eyes and immediately the sleep embraced me.


My eyes open in the morning due to the sound of a hustle bustle happening in my room, I looked at the other side only to spot a maid cleaning my room. When she realised that I was looking at her she looked back and bowed with respect, I nodded slightly and put my head back on the cushion , staring at the ceiling.

After sometime the maid left, I raised my body and started walking towards the washroom to clean myself.

I packed my bag with all the necessary files and devices  that will be useful there . But the bag was full and there was no space for my clothes anymore. So , I dropped the thought to pack them , and instead I'll buy a new one there , it's not that big of a deal. The flight was at 2pm , and it's 12 right now, I have sufficient time to check my email and do some remaining work.

I reached the airport 15 minutes earlier as we had decided, but our drama queen is late again. After some minutes she came running waving at me to assure me that she had arrived, but after looking at my face she stopped waving and hasitantly put her hands down. Ya , I was glaring at her , as if I'll kill her .

" Hi , good morning. Hope I am not too late" she said with her sheepish smile " first of all it's 2 a clock and it is no more morning. And second, no you're not at. all. late , the last call for arrival is still pending. " I said mocking her and folded both hands on my chest.

" oh , shut up. I know I am exactly at time " she said hitting my shoulder softly, I again glared at her and she immediately withdrew her hands from my shoulder. We take our seat on the plane , and it takes off after a few minutes.

I looked outside the window of the plane out of boredom, but to my surprise the view was amazing, the whole America was looking like a small piece of puzzle which was fitted in a western hemisphere smoothly. I was so focused on looking outside that I didn't notice when Sid left her seat. She returned after sometime, when I asked her where she went she shrugged the topic and started talking about random stuff.

We landed at Mumbai airport around 5 pm , and took a taxi to our hotel. We reached our hotel, took our room card and departed to our respective rooms . I reached my room and jumped on the bed immediately, the tiredness take over my whole body. I was about to sleep when my phone started ringing.

I groaned in frustration and remove the phone from back pocket of mine. The screen brightened and show the name 'Rishi' as a caller ID. I immediately pick the call .

But the news he gave me washed all my tiredness off. "What!" I exclaimed.

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Hi Bubble's, hope you like the chapter.😁

And what do you think the news is.?

I know it's kind of obvious but still, will love if you tell your thoughts here. 😅.

Please like and comment ❤️🐁❤️

But, But, But.
The story is going to take a 90° turn from next episode. So be active and notice everything in detail 😼

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