16]The Argument

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Satisfy your Soul not the society

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Satisfy your Soul not the society.

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☽⋇⋆ RUDRAKSH ⋆⋇☾

I never knew that someone can leave such effect on you that only one glance in there direction and they'll take your sleep away.

I am stuck in same situation, last night I didn't get a single minute of sleep. The moment I closed my eyes, her face appears in front of my eyes.

Her curvy body , her every action, her voice, her blazing eyes, her juicy lips. All of these is starting to become my weakness.

Everything in just one meet , what will happen if .....


A sudden Knock break my series of thought. I cleared my throat and ordered" Come in" , expecting to see the face who take my sleep away. But to my disappointment it was a servent, " What happened!" I snapped at her , not knowing the reason of my anger.

" S.. soup. My Lord" the servent said stuttering, not daring to raise her head and look at me. This reminds of her , the only girl who has a daring to look directly in my eyes.

"Hmm, keep it here and go " I said, this time little composed. She obeyed and in a minute vanish from the room. I walked forward and take the soup , sit on edge of bed. Eyes fixed on the door, desparately waiting for that one girl to come.

What taking them so long , there Room is just 2 room away from me. Unknowingly some soup spill on my clothes making it wet .

I groaned in frustration, and turned toward bed to change my clothes into something dry. Suddenly, I hear a voice of door opening and closing and for some reason, I know who it is , aur more specific who she is.

For sometime, the whole place fell into deafening silence, no one talk , only our breathing can be hear.

I small smirk appears on my face , when I understand the situation. " Liking what you see?" I asked without turning.

My whole body is fill with scares, battle scars and I am proud of this scars.

She didn't reply for sometime atleast, the moment I thought she will not say anything, I heard her voice " More than anything" .

It was mere whispered, but I heard it clearly due to the silence around us. For some reason my heart fill with proudness after listening her words . My smirk increase and I turned to face her .

Her eyes still fixed on my abs , she immediately raised her eyes to look into mine , when she realise I am looking at her.

" There is more interesting stuff inside, want to see. " I said with a wide smirk and raised eyebrows. Her eyes become wide open for a second but she composed herself immediately. She didn't reply this time , must be imagining the thing I said.

Even my mind went foggy with the thought of her . Her long legs around my waist, her juicy mouth around......

" Why did you call me So Urgently? " She asked comming back from her thoughts and dragging me with her. For a moment , my mind didn't registered what she said, but then I remember, I was the one who called her.

Why did I call her? I.. I don't know.

" Nothing, just want to ask you. What do you think about my kingdom? Are you comfortable here ? " I asked, not finding anything else.

She raised her one eyebrow, as if she sense I was lying. " Did you call me here , just for this? This early morning you first send your Brother to me , so that he can Break my precious sleep and then send a soldier to bring me here Urgently just so that You. Can. Ask . Me . About. My well being " she said greeting her teeth in frustration.

For some unknown reason, I find it extremely sexy. Her morning face , which is reder for me , that sounds really tempting. Who care if she's reder due to anger. Not me.

I slowly walked toward her direction, my eyes fixed on her . The whole room again fell into deafening silence, only my footsteps can be hear.

Soon we were face to face ,never breaking our heart- reaching- but- deadly- eye contact. " Yes , I call you only for that. Why? Were you expecting something else." I asked her instead , our body Inches away from each other, she reached till my ears, which make her look upward to maintain our eye contact.

Her adam apple went up and down, when she listen to me. Her eyes turn little dark shade when she registered my word. But rather than answering, she again asked me question " No , but I don't think anyone just call a stranger in there room early morning, did they? " She asked raising her eyebrows. A little victory visible in her eyes.

Instead of answer, I grab her waist and pulled her closer to me . Our body collide, her palms on my bare chest , leaving her in shocked with my sudden action. Her breath becomes uneven, her chest going up and down, as she attempted to steady her uneven breathing. But was failing miserably .

I lean forward, her eyes noticing my every moment , slowly i lean towards her ears and whisper " what do you want me to do, Baby" .

A Shiver ran thorough her body whereas my heart beat run in double speed . Being this close to Women Never bother me before, not this much. My heart is acting weird after seeing her for first time , maybe it's due to her nature which is exactly my copy or her face , which can kill anyone in just one glance. Whatever be the reason, but one thing is for sure.

I am going crazy for her.

We keep looking at each other eye, as if having a long tour . But the moment was broken when someone suddenly knock on my door.

This brought us in our senses, or rather brought her in her senses, as she pushed me away from her and her eyes which were looking so relaxed minutes ago were filled with rage .

" Listen, you may be the king of this kingdom, but you have no right to touch me , without my permission. Stay in your limits, your majesty. Because if you dare to cross this limit, I'll forgot your the King . " She said pointing her finger at me , voice fill with rage.

This challenge something in me ,  and my body also fill with anger " Are you challenging me by any chance. Because I never tasted the failure. And about the permission, you didn't give me one , but you also didn't stop me , right! " I asked. Raising my eyebrows in question.

Again someone knocks in my door, which frustrate me extremely. I step back two steps away from her and shout , " come in ! " Voice fill with anger.

The door open and my brother enter with our other two guests, her partners . " What is so important , that you can't wait for sometime, Harsh! " I asked, sternly.

" Bhai, there is big Problem"

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ere is new episode, as I promise, although I was going to post this last night but my net was over.

Who do you like more in both the brother?

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No , target .

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