13] The Dinner

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As you think, as you become

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As you think, as you become

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I strode into the grand dining hall, my steps purposeful and my confidence unwavering. The sight of the beautiful surroundings didn't intimidate me; if anything, it fueled my excitement. This was the moment I had been waiting for—to step into the heart of this magical kingdom and face its ruler.

My gaze locked onto the figure seated at the head of the table—the king. But it wasn't the king who addressed me; instead, it was his brother, standing by his side with a friendly smile.

"Anika," he said, his voice warm and welcoming. "I'm glad you all could join us. Welcome to our kingdom."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me at the sight of the king's brother's friendly demeanor. Despite the grandeur of the setting, his presence grounded me.

"Thank you," I replied, offering him a grateful smile. "It's an honor to be here." I said politely .

With the king's brother's reassuring presence beside me, I took my place at the table. Sid and Rishi also follow me and took there respective seat.

Despite the tension lingering in the air , due to his stare. I made myself little comfortable . The place feel into deafening silence. So I decided to take my sweet time to explore this Room. My eyes room into the whole room.

The dining hall of the magical kingdom was like stepping into a fairy tale come to life. The walls were adorned with painting depicting scenes of enchantment—dragons soaring through starlit skies, forests alive with mystical creatures, and castles nestled amidst rolling hills. The air was heavy with the scent of exotic spices and the soft glow of golden chandeliers bathed the room in a warm, inviting light.

As I took in the beauty of the hall, my eyes were drawn to the long, polished table that stretched out before me. It was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, carved from rich mahogany and adorned with intricate designs. Silver candelabras stood tall at intervals along the table, their flames casting dancing shadows on the walls.

But it was the food that truly captivated me. Platters piled high with succulent fruits, bowls brimming with colorful salads, and steaming dishes of savory meats lined the table. Each dish seemed more tempting than the last, and my mouth watered at the sight and aroma of it all.

I hadn't eaten anything from last 1 day and my stomach started growling from the site in front of me .

"They look so tasty, aren't they. I can't wait to indulge all of these , my stomach is aching with the hunger! " Sid whispered in my ears slowly, with a small pout on her beautiful face, which was enhanced her cuteness. I nooded at her statment with a small smile.

Even I can't stop myself, but before that I have more important to do , to talk to him and ask all the answers of my questions.

I turned to look toward him only to find him already looking at me , with those deep brown eyes. It is so deep that in one glance it looked black only. His stare makes me feel nervous for the first time, I gulped a huge lump formed in my mouth. I opened my mouth to say something, only to get interrupted by his voice.

" First let's eat the dinner, then we'll talk about everything else" he said with his Deep voice, pointing toward the meal in front of us. I nodded, not daring to repel him .

For the first time in my life I felt scared with someone's eyes, What is happening with me , I said to myself .
After the dinner, servant clean the table. He turned toward me " So, let's begin our discussion. Ekant!" He ordered. Everyone including me look at him with confusion .

" Why Everyone? . Just send the servants out. My people will stay here only." I kept my point in front of him , looking into his eyes.

An amusement flicker in his eyes and a small smirk form on his lips, but he still nodded and gesture everyone to follow what I said .

Soon whole room is empty, only me , sid, Rishi, king and his brother were present here. " So , now tell-" he started but I intrupted him before he can complete his sentence " No , first you give answer of my question and then I'll tell you anything" .

His brother looked at me shocked, did I said something wrong. " What happen why are you looking at me like this " I asked his brother confusingly, my eyes travel to him and he was also looking at me amusement.

After sometime his brother
spoke, " N.. nothing, it was just. It's first time someone dare to cut him in middle, and still alive. So , I was little shocked " he explained while scratching his backside of neck and smiling awkwardly.

" leave it ... We didn't even introduce ourselves to you all" he changed the topic immediately, after sansing the tention in the air. I nodded and he continued " I guess you already knew him , but still I would like the honour to introduce us ,  properly " he said bowing like prince .

"Ah, dear friend," he exclaimed with exaggerated flair, "allow me the honor of presenting to you our beloved King, His Majesty, The Rudraksh Somavanshi and yours truly, his loyal and endlessly entertaining brother, Harshvardhan Somvanshi, also called Harsh. at your service!" He raised from his bowed posture and blink at me playfully.

Unknowingly a giggle escape my mouth, I put my hand on my mouth immediately, but the did was done. Everyone look at me amusingly, including the king. I felt slightly embarassed for such a behaviour, so I avoided looking at anyone directly.

Thank to Sid she distracted evryone with her words " Your so funny, and handsome too. Anyways, I think we don't need to introduce us to you, you already know us . " She said sweetly with a over sweet smile.

" no, no . We would really like to listen from you about yourself. Afterall you both are so beautiful, listening your voice soth my heart. " he said dreamily, but I heard someone clearing there throat, we all look toward the voice, It's Rishi. he was looking slightly irritated from god knows what.!

" I think I am also here. So I will introduce myself first. Hi, I am Rishi, Rishi Kashyap. I worked as Detective, in our world. " he forcefully stretch his lips to form a smile and stretch his hand for a handshake.

Handshake! Really, we are in 1250 CE . Who the hell know about handshake here. I didn't expected this from him .

Harsh look at his hand confusingly, and raise his one eyebrow " what are you doing?" He asked. Then rishi realised his mistake and immediately pulled his hand back. " oh , sorry . I didn't mean to do that. " He apologized immediately and join his both hand for greeting.

Harsh smile slightly and do the same thing. Then he turned me , but before he can say anything further, he again get intrupted by the king.

" enough of your courteousy and flirting. Let's get to the point , we already wasted lot of time in your bullshits" he scolded his brother and turned toward us .

" So now, can you tell me how you came here ? "

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