12] The Lady warrior

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All form of darkness is just the absence of light

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All form of darkness is just the absence of light


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-> I have used some  high level English in chapter, tell me in comment whether your comfortable with this, or should I use my previous writing  format.

-> more than 1k word's


" Wow , it was so amazing, I just can't forget it . It feels like I am leaving a dream and the moment I opened it everything will vanish. God , please this can't be a dream please. I again want to sit on those flying horses, they were soo beautiful, oh my god. And how could I forgot those two indian greek gods, they were so handsome. It feels like they were shining there, I just can't remove my eyes from them . " sid was blabbering this nonsense from the moment we enter our chamber.

Yes, he alloted us a special chamber in his castle itself. I found it quite surprising, but after lot of request done by his brother, I have to agree.

The brothers are no doubt, handsome as hell. Even I can't resist there charm, but the only thing which differs them was there nature, one was cold as ice , steel hearted and devoid of emotions, whereas the other is bright as sunshine, kind hearted and sweet talker.

I walked toward a big mattress kept in centre of a huge room, I lied on my back , and closed the eyes which were heavy, felling tiered of everything that happened today.

My mind started rewinding everything that happens after we arrived here.

Sometime before:

As my eyelids fluttered open, I found myself bathed in the soft, ethereal glow of an unfamiliar landscape. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, my eyes widened in wonder as I took in the sights before me . Towering trees swayed gently in the breeze, their branches adorned with shimmering leaves that seemed to dance with a life of their own. The air was alive with the hum of unseen creatures, like , golden colour birds, small fairy's and white dears. As I slowly rose to my feet, the ground beneath me felt strange and unfamiliar, a testament to the fact that I was no longer in the world I once knew. With each step forward, I felt a sense of exhilaration and trepidation intertwine within me , knowing that I had embarked upon a journey unlike any other—a journey into the heart of magic itself.

As I turned my gaze to my surroundings, my eyes fell upon the familiar forms of my two friends, their expressions mirroring my own sense of amusement and awe. They stood beside me, their faces a mixture of confusion and wonder as they took in the fantastical landscape unfolding before them. In that moment, a sense of relief washed over me , knowing that I was not alone in this strange new world.

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