Chapter 1

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,,Hello?Hello?!" Delp screamed at me through my laptop that was on my desk,sometimes I missed this girl but sometimes I'm happy that she is not here.

,,Elion, were you even listing ?" She asked a bit mad ,,sorry Delp but I have been so stressed out about colloge lately and now that the exams are over, I just wanna rest" I said a bit exausted while I sat down in a chair infront of her, as much as I love my sister I cant listen to her problems right now.

,,ok I understand, you know.Mom and Dad miss you here,I really cant understand why you wanted to move to Rome. Your doing college online already ,so why move?" She asked for what feelt like the 100th time,I moved to Rome a year ago I've always liked Rome a lot ,I also like Rome because of its History, ok I love Rom because of its History .its so fascinating.

,,I already told you why,Rosi" I sighed and climed into my bed with my laptop ,, but it feels lonely here without you" she said word by word ,,what am I supposed to do here without you ? huh?!" .I know that my sister misses me a lot,there times like these when I wish that I could teleporte myself,I thought ,while I put my head back and Francesco jump on my bed and just laid himself beside me.

,,oh hi Francesco , how are you mh?I hope my brother isn't being an total ass to you" she said with a bit of sarcasm to my 8 year old,golden retrieva.

,,Rosi!" I said warning her , she just rolled her eyes and scoffed and said ,,Now YOU dont even have the authority to speak,you called me a bitch ,Bitch" completely tierd of this shit ,I said ,,Im going to bed, Im going to talk to dad about you sneaking out of the house every Friday,we'll see who will be smirking then,sœur.bye bye love you,sis"she tried to talk me out of it while I was saying my good byes and begging me to be the "good brother I've always been to her ".

I closed the laptop and was ready to sleep , when a certain blondie called me ,, what do you want?its almost midnight" I asked my child hood best friend ,annoyed while looking at the clock ,, so I kinda forgot to tank my car and now Im stuck" he said shyly and a bit nervous, I was definitely not ready to get out of my bed for this man any time soon ,so I told him to call his father or someone who could help ,,are you crazy my father would behead me" he said in a panik I asked why and he said because he had told him that he was at mine when in reality he was at a club.I really don't understand why this man is still living with his parents. ,,how old are you again,Luca?" I asked knowingly ,, 21? Why? " He answered confused ,, right! and why are you still living with your parents again?"

I could feel him roll his eyes ,, that is unimportant right now, will you please just get here? " he said with hope and a hit of annoyance.

,,Send me your location " I said while getting out of bed with Francesco in a blanket. ,,thank you so much ,I owe you" he said relived ,,that! you do, that you do my dear friend " I said while putting my shose on and getting my car keys . He had sent me his location, he is to say, in the middel of no where.I sighed out of exhausting while I started my black jeep,remind me again why I am still friends with him till this day,only God knows.

It took a hole 40 minutes to get there and another 40minutes to "help" him, now Im driving home with blondie over here.

I sirusley do not understand why I'm so pissed probably because of Delphine and because I got called in the middel of the night to "help",I took a quick look behind me to make sure Francesco was still sleeping,at least one of us got some rest. ,,Thanks,Elion,it has been so stressful with colloge ,that I completely forgot to tank ,I just needed to go out and just rest a bit after what our professors put us from all people would know the kind stress this contiens" said the green eyed man beside me . I did know the kind of stress this contiens .I parked my car in front of my house and said ,,yeah I do ,but I unlike YOU do not call partying "resting",Luca"

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