Chapter 8: Day 5

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,, Del,we need to leave" Elion screamed up the stairs ,, coming" I answered him while pulling my phone out to check the time, 11:30, Elion was waiting at the door holding it open. ,,Don't rush me, Dodo" I said as I went past him to get to the car, I could feel him roll his eyes as he shut the door.

In the car we both didn't speak, it wasn't a strange silence it was comfortable one. 'Well maybe for him, I was staring out of the window, thinking about what Xander said, and meant. Elion can, if he wants, learn how to fight but it's the meaning behind the fact that Xander wants to teach him. I don't want him in this whatsoever, it's way to dangerous and he's fragile he seems frugile. I dont want to flip his world upside down by involving him in my caos, as long as my father doesn't know of him. He's not inwolved and has to stay like that.

It will stay like that.

Than my memory switched to the fight me and Elion had. He said he worries about me, which means he cares for me. I put my head back, I looked to the front where Elion was driving. I was silting in the back seat, since we're currently heading towards the airport to pick up his family. Elion glanced to the back, fire you alright?" he asked me a littel unsure, he's probably asking cause I haven't said anything. I just nooded judging by his face, I knew he would ask again maybe not now but he would ask.

I wonder if his parents know about me, not that they should or something. I'm just courius. I think my mind likes to play tricks with me, it was again thinking about the fact that he said he cared about me. Ugh just stop already, it has been doing this ever since the talk with Xander. Unexpectedly a phone rang, the phone in question is Elion's, he picked up.

I heared an older woman's voice, they both started talking, I didn't understand a word since they were both speaking in another language. Is it Latin? No, maybe Spanish? An older man's voice joined the conversation and finally I understood a word "bonjour" it's French they're speaking. Right, Elion said he grew up in France that's why he didn't learn talian.

So I'm guessing his parents are French but all of the sudden they switched to another language which made me frown, I knew the language, It was German. That's when I realized that he was now only talking to the man I could only guess was his father.

They hung up and I still had my puzzled face on, Is he now French or German? Maybe he learned German for fun, wait, that wouldn't make sense why would he learn German but not Ralian even though he wanted to visit or live here.

What is it? Why do you look so confused?" Elion asked me with a smile playing on his lipa, I shook my head lightly coming back to my senses, locked at him through the rearview mirror ,, How come you know how to speak German?" he smiled slightly while turning right making me slide in the direction a bit, maybe I should put on my seat belt, as I was putting it on he answered me.

,, My father is German, My mother is 'French" uh huh, "It already felt like his mother could speak better 'France than his father, no offence Your a Half, Half" I said understanding he nodded ,, Or how luca would say it, I'm a halfblood" he said. I turned my face towards him. ,, halfblood?" I asked, confused, Now what is a halfblood?

,, Oh, Harry Potter, it's a blood type there are 3 types of blood, muggelborn, a person who is a witcher a wizard but haa none magical parental halfblood, a witch or a wizard who has one parental figure who is a pure blood and one who is a muggel born lastly a Pureblood, a witch or wizard who has Pureblood parents,those are mostly the families that are ancient" he explained.

That answered my question but now I have even more ,, Ancient family?" he stopped the car as the street light turned red. They are like the royals, who have their whole entire lineage tracked down just that does ancient families don't have royal blood" he answered questions. So there are 3 blood types?" He nodded, that can't be right ,, Shouldn't it be 2? no, just one." I asked, he started driving again when it turned green and said, "No, why should it?".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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