Chapter 5: Day 2

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I heard Luca scream,AGAIN ,,He pissed on me! he fucking pissed on me" I heard him whine ,,Elion get your fucking dog!"he whined even louder this time.If Del didn't wake up from that ,then I dont even know ,,SHUT THE FUCK UP,IM FUCKING SLEEPING YOU GODDAMN TOAT!" I heard her say pretty pissed ,,she swears?!?!?"I whispered shocked to myself,she seemed like such a littel good girl,but I do have to agree with her he has to shut up.I stood up and went towards the bathroom to shower after I've laid my clothes down.


I stood up after Luca had shouted like some kind of siren,I looked around the room for a while,I lowkey forgot that I was here,I stood up and decided to go to Elion.I leaved the room and went to the room beside mine,I knocked, no answer,knocked again,no answer.I was sick of waiting so I just entered,he wasnt in here,I saw his clothes laid out.

Elegant,I thought.Should I match with him,ew no no no where did that thought come from but it would be fun.

I went back into my room,I heard the shower turn off I've already guessed that he was showering.

I went to my bag and luck is on my side I had something that matched with his perfectly,an off shoulder white dress.

Im just gonna brush my hair down and leave it as it is.I leaved the room at the same time as Elion,we looked at eachother stunned , up and down ,,change" I said almost immediately while pointing at his door. ,,huh? but I just-"

,,but you just nothing "I cut him off,just then Luca came ,,what is going on here?" He said in disbelief while he stopped in his tracks ,,yall are matching" he said stunned ,,without ME?!?!"he said offended now ,,this is so not happening without me,your going to wait now till Im finish changing"he said while he smiled sarcastically and with that he left.Elion pinched the bridge of his nose while mumbling thingst under his breath ,,great" I said sarcastically.

,,Where are we going today?" I asked Elion while we entered the living room,he all of the sudden just stopped and turned and since I was almost directly behind him,I almost ran into him. ,,you got changed without even knowing where I'm going?"he asked softly,I dont know why but the softness of his voice is like a huge warm blanket wrapping itself around me,what in the-Delianessa snap out of it your only staying here temporary ,,yeah?".

,,I decided that I would be your personal tour guide"he said proudly,I nooded ,,so your going to show me around?" I asked while spinning my finger around in a circle. ,,yes" he said ,,alright" well this could be something.I put my hand behind my neck and nodded.He titled his head to the side ,,Im good at it,yall see".

,,guys! I hope its ok,I've invited my cousin to help you with your....girls stuff" he said to me. ,,thanks" I said ,,her name?".

,,Trinity, she is 19". I nodded ,,pretty name" ,Luca smiled at me.That's when I noticed his oufit,its the exact one Elion is wearing, great now were a Trio.

We got into the car and leaved Francesco with th neighbours,Im honestly happy about that ,,where are we going to first?" .

,,where gonna get Trin first than head to the mall".I 've heard of mall's in Rome being "huge" or something ,,Im warning you,my cousin is a littel Devil".

 ,,thats one way to talk about your family members" Elion said while stopping at a red light . I chuckled and then smiled at Elion, he smiled at me aswell ,,and how does this "Devil of a cousin" look like?" I asked Luca while I turned around to face him. He opened his phone ,gave it to me and said ,,thats her".She had golden retrieva blond hair and green eyes,Luca and her could be siblings. 

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