Chapter 7:Day 4

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,,Where were you?" he asked playing with his ring and not taking his eyes of it ,,I needed a littel fresh air" his face went from ,,where the fuck did you go to,, to concerned ,,Are you feeling sick?" He asked while coming towards me and putting one of his hands on my forehead.

I shook my head while he put his hand off my forehead ,,Do you feel dizzy?Do you have a headace?" He asked getting more concerned.

,,Woah,Doctor calm down,I do not have a fever nor do I feel dizzy or have a headace" cute how concerned he go- okay what the actual fuck is happening to my mind,I think I might actually have to go to the doctor.

I shook my head slightly, he all of the sudden started pulling towards the living room by my hand,huh? I mean ,I ain't complaini- stop .He sat me down and started lecturing me about going out in the middel of the night ,,you never ever go out in the middel of the night,do you understand me?" He said as he kneeled down infront of me.

When I didnt answer he sighed and looked down after a solid 3 minutes,I gently raised his chin so that I could see into his eyes and he could see mine ,,Dont lecture on thingst I've done over a 100 time,fiore,what I do outside is none of your business,understood?" He looked at me stunned for a moment before taking his chin away from my hand.

He stood up while rearranging his glasses, he put his hands into his sweatpants he opend the door to the backyard and went outside.I followed him cause I felt something is off ,,I know you dont want to tell me what you did outside but at least dont lie to me,your lie is unconvincing since I have a backyard and a balcony.You didn't need to step out." He said as he looked at the stars in the sky.

I went beside him and also started looking at the stars ,,you are smarter than you look but-" I said,he scoffed and went inside.

Oh you have to be kidding,I went after him and turned him around by his arm. ,,I do not appreciate getting lied to,Del" he said as he brutally took his arm out of my hand,all of the sudden the softness in his voice disappeared,the warm turned cold and his eyes turned dark.

When I didnt say anything he countinued going up the stairs,what just happened? I did not think,ever,that a person that contains so much sweetness can turn so bitter in a matter of seconds and the fuck, did he glare at me.I groaned,great now I have one + problem. I went through my hair,I went up to my room,I really give myself more troubel than I need.

I know that I can't let it stay like this, just not untill I leave,I need to think of something.I coverd myself in the blanket and fell asleep.


I was already awake but I was still tierd so I decided to try and sleep again,I say "try" because not long after I heared someone bang their door close.

I stood up and went out of my room and followed the steps downstairs,I walked in on Elion putting his shoes on ,,Where are you going?" I asked with a frown,he glanced up at me ,,none of your business " he answered, anger showing through his voice .He went past me and went to grab his coat since it got way colder, it was 3 degress.

As he wanted to get past me again I blocked his way ,I crossed my arms ,,Del,stop it" he said as he put both of his hand on both sides of my arms and moved me away from his path,I rolled my eyes .He started searching for something,I knew what he was searching for and I knew that he wouldn't leave without it,bingo.

I went upstairs into his room and looked into his bowl,Why are so many thingst in here,it stood on his desk and I took out his car keys.I started going down stairs,he cought sight of me and sighed before continuing searching.I stood in the kitchen watching him search the area for his keys while drinking coffe.

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