Chapter 2

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                                                                  -----------Elion -------------

I woke up due to Luca screaming and Francesco barking at him.I slowly opened my crimson bleu eyes,I got out of bed as I saw Francesco running into my room.I went to Luca ,who was in the kitchen. oh mon cher dieu, my kitchen .it was a complet mess ,,you are so cleaning this up" I said,still processing the state of my kitchen.I started to leave ,,Wont you help me?" He pouts.​

I turned around in one turn and narrowed my eyes ,, absolutely not!" I said in disbelief,he is cleaning the mess up he made. I turned around again made my way to the bath room, I looked into my reflection ,my brown hair is a mess.

Its littearly standing up.I look like those Trolls from the movie,weird.

I did my hair and cleaned myself up,I went to the kitchen and now it was cleaned up,good job,I told Luca to go clean up while I made breakfast.

I dont trust Luca to do this,all of the sudden my phone started going off,Momie, I read and answered.

,,bonjour maman, est-ce que tout va bien ?" I said while making French Mom made sure that everyone in the household knew how to cook,sometimes I think Im doing it better than her,but I would never say that to her face.

,,tout va bien, Elion ? tu sais que tu n'as pas besoin de me parler français ?"

,,I know,im just to used to it" I said while washing the strawberries I just got out of fridge.

,,Delphine has lost her car keys yesterday,she still hasn't found them"

Delp is the most irresponsible person I have ever met.all of the sudden I heard somone fall along with thingst,I left the strawberries in the sink and rushed to see what has happened.

I saw Luca trying to get into my snack supply and my History books on the floor . I raised my eye brow at him while leaning on to the door frame with my arms crossed.he just gave me a cheeky smile.

Correction,Delp is the second most Irresponsible person I have met.Luca takes First place in this to a time when I was 14, I left Francesco with him so I could go to the library while he took care of him,not even 30 minutes has passed. Luca calls me,tells me that my dog is gone.

from that day forward I never trusted him with anything ever again.

My dog is my safe place,if something happens to him .no shit, I'll turn the hole entry city upside-down .

And he is supposed to be the adult between us since I'm one year younger than him.

,,clean it up"I said while turning around to leave. ,, but wont you- "He was silenced by the glare I shot him.

I returned to the Kitchen,my mother asked what happened and I explained it to her,after 20minutes Breakfast was ready .Luca came in after getting my books and everything into the correct order,since I put all my books in an Alphabetical order.

I thought it will take him some time but what ever.

,,Hello Mrs.Derenteal,"Luca said to my mom with his child like smile,my mom also said hi,I have known Luca since middel school though he moved to Rom in the middel of High school .We've still keep contact through out the years,Luca is actually a 100% American,I think?

,,Luca what Nationality do you have?" I asked him in a wondering tone while taking a sip from my coffe.

He looked up from his food and asked ,,you have known me for over 5 years,yet you dont know my nationality?"

,,its not like you know mine" I said while rolling my crimson bleu eyes.

,,Yes I do" he said offended

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