Chapter 4:Day 1 (p.2)

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I took her down the stairs while she was trying to get out, Luca is laughing his ass of he was on the sofa but soon fell to the ground cause he couldnt contine himself. I took my camera from her ,,Ey!"She said as I took it ,,I dont care about the camera,I just wanna know why you took pictures of me" she said impatient ,,you did whatttt?!?!" Luca said as he began laughing again even harder . Francesco came down ,,hey budy" I said completely ignoring the question,she moved away from me as Francesco jumped onto my lap ,,My mother always told me and every moment is a memory thats why you take photos of it, I just know that you will surely be an Interesting memory,Del"I said to her ,,Del?" She said narrowing her eyes for a split second ,I nodded ,,Delianessa is to long for me" I shurgged,she chuckled.


They are adorable ,I was just looking at them. They will end up together ,I just know.The way he acts around her is ...different. I know they only met today but I can see them getting married.

They will get together,mark my words.


,,Okay what movie do yall wanna watch?"I asked the others ,,Harry Potter" Luca immediately said. ,,No"I said while rolling my eyes, he pouts,he always wants to watch Harry Potter.,,Lets watch Marvel"I suggested.

,,why not I've never watched it" Del said,Luca and I looked at her stunted ,,I think I didnt hear that correctly,can you repeat that?" Luca said shocked ,,I haven't watched a singel Marvel movie in my hole life" she said ,,We are gonna watch every singel movie with you through"I said determined. ,,ok I just hope it wont take long" shd said while she sighed and looked at my dog.

,,We are starting with Captain America :The first Avengers"I said, Luka was about to talk but I said ,,I prefer watching them in a time line order" he made an oh face.we got the pizza ready and popcorn and started the movie.

It was now 2 hours later, I saw that Lucas was asleep but Del was just looking out of the window.


I wonder what Xander and Lilah are doing,I thought while I looked out of the window,I kinda miss them...a lot.

,,you alright?"all of the sudden someone asked. I turned to the person who asked and said ,,Home fever" I said while turning back to the window. ,,ah "he said understanding ,,It will go away " he said and also looked out of the window,it was night. ,,Wanna play a little game" he said while raising his brow. ,,what kind of game?" I said while narrowing my eyes a bit and bringing my hand up to put my head in it. ,,we both ask eachother 3 questions but we have to answer all of these questions 100% honestly"he said ,,ermm I-"I begann saying unsure,if he askes anything pacific,I might get exposed ,, guys?what time is it?" I heard Luca's sleepy voice cut me off. ,,almost midnight " Elion answered him ,,we should probably get to bed" he said to all of us. ,,yeah, good night guys"I said while standing up and leaving with a blanket from the couch. ,,good night" I heard the two say at the same time. ,,you really are my twin"Luca said ,,shut up "was all I heard Elion say.I chuckled ,these two indeed have an Interesting bond.

I got to the room and got into my bed,this was an Interesting day,than I feel asleep.

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