Chapter 7:Day 4 (p.2)

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She rolled her eyes ,,yall are not even living togethere for a week and yall already fighting" The guy said who was pinching his nose.Ok,Im gonna admit that it was unnecessary bringing that up but I'm physically hurt . . . and a bit Emotionally.

My arm hurts ever since I've been,what am I suppose to call that?. . . Physically demaged.It feels like it's bleeding,what is not really possible,cause I dont think you can bleed from your arm from just hitting the floor.Maybe there is a way but I don't think that possible way happened to me,I'm just gonna ignore it.

Xander sighed and looked at me ,,We are gonna talk,outside,alone." he said,I looked at him dumb founded ,,I beg your pordon?" Del smiled a littel at that,I looked back at the man infront of me. ,,I can't, I have a dog in my arms, sir" he rolled his eyes,if I take Francesco out with me the sun will hit him,what isn't good at all,the sun is a sign for him to play and I don't need that right now.I don't want to leave him inside alone either.

He walked towards the door ,,It wasn't a question" he said as he opened the door to my backyard.I looked at Del for help but she shrugged and went to the kitchen,I sighed.I put Francesco down on the sofa and covered him in a blanket.I went out while putting my hands in my pocket,Xander closed the door while I went to the marbel white tabel and sat on a chair.

,,How do you imagine your future?" Xander said after 2 minutes of absolute silence,I'm confuse?,are we here to talk about my future plans. ,,I- I wish to succeed in becoming a Historian maybe" I said looking at the sun setting,Xander hummed ,,to be honest ,I dont care what I become as long as I am happy doing it,it doesn't matter" I looked back at my ring,he studied me for a few minutes before starting to speak again.

,,What makes you happy?"


Xander looked at me puzzled with curiosity.

,,Every moment" I said looking at the sun reflecting on the water of the pool.

,,How come every moment makes you happy? You can't feel happiness every time." He said,not taking his eyes of me.

,,Yes,I can " I said ,,but I feel other emtions aswell" Xander frowned.

,,I realized that every emtion is build out of another,like a circle that never ends" I explained.

I sighed before explaining ,,Like anger, for an example, can be build out of jealousy.Jealousy out of love.Love out of sadness.Sadness out of regret.Regret out of affection,Affection out of longing. . .and the list goes on."

I turned towards him ,,Every emtion hides behind the other" I said ,,So I might be happy but there are over 100 of other emtions behind it"

I looked at the sky ,,100 of emtions,I may never know but togethere they make me feel happy. Emtions hide behind eachothere like I said ,Someones protectiveness can be disguised as worry.Someones guilt,regret for sadness another ones Nervousness for Fear."

Xander nooded with a small smile ,,That's an Interesting perspective" I looked at him ,,So you think emtions are made out of eachothere? Therefore you can't feel one preticular emtion cause they are either hiding behind another or made out of another?" I nooded.

He studied me again ,,How long?" he asked,I turned my head towards him confused ,,How long did it take you to realize that?" I shrugged, ,,It was after a hard day,maybe one of the hardest days of my life.I couldn't sleep,couldn't figure out what was wrong with I tore down my one emtion sadness . . .I saw guilt behind it,anger,confusion,jealousy,regret,fraustration and so many more.I picked one and tore it down again and again and again.In the end I came out with the answer that I feel 100th of emtions at the same time,they hide behind the emtion that represents all of them, mixed togethere."

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