Chapter 3: Day 1

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I was reading for 20 minutes when I realized I still have to get my new phone so I checked out the book with a false name and was on my way I came past many beautiful restaurants and cafes I told myself that I would later come to one of them to eat. I got my phone ,a Iphone 13 and a new chip with the money Xander gave me, I leaved than I felt like I was being I turned into the back of a cafe and i was right ,I heard footsteps behind me.I turned around and saw 3 men,way older than me,they could be my father.

,,hello there pretty littel girl " one of them said,disgusting,I thought.

The other 2 were checking me out,I could feel they're eyes undressing me,nope this so not happening. One of them stepped forward too grab me .but I twisted his arm around and kicked him on his ass towards the floor.

,,Fisty are we?baby girl" spoke the man from before.He also tried to take me but I took one of my knifes out and cut his hand off ,I just love doing it.

Thats when the other one pinned be to the wall and started chocking me but I stabbed him 3 times into the arm he was straggling me with. My last stab went to his leg,when i looked up I saw a guy just standing there watching,what the fuck is he insane,shouldn't he be running away?! Thats when i saw one of the men pull out a gun and point it at the guy.he probably thought it was pointed towards me since he didnt run. 

I knocked the gun out of his hand took it and ran towards the guy,I pulled him with me,I didn't have a choice if i wouldn't have pulled him with me ,he would have probably gotten killed by those men.

I pushed him into a randome door ,it was pretty small I could feel his heart beat,it was going really fast I covered his mouth with my hand and said  ,,shh,dont make even one sound" though he was probably 1.88( 6.2 ) I could still see his eyes out of the corner of mine, I was 1.79 ( 5.10 ) so not that small compared to him.

I heard the men passing by,once they were gone,I searched for a light switch in the littel room,I found it and turn it on I looked around the room and realized that I've pushed us into a storage room.

I looked at the guy in front of me he had been already looking at me. He was probably lost in my eyes just like the rest of the men I have met,I rolled my eyes ,,Care to explain why you dont fucking run when someone pointes a gun at you? Idiot"I said to him,he was taken aback ,,Me?! what about you ,you take on 3 grown men and also cut off one of their hands!!!"he said,I studied him he had crimson blue eyes, his messy dark brown hair,and a sharp jawling,he was built really good ,he wasnt ripped, but he was still built good,he also had veiny hands.

He raised his eye brow at me annoyed since I havent answered yet ,,thats none of your business " I shot at him ,, tell me why you would just stand there while someone is pointing a goddamn gun at you!" I said ,,If I haven't knocked it out of his hand you would probably be dead right now! you do know that, right?!?!" I said to him already fucked up by his attitude . ,,And Im thankfull that I am not" He shot at me,he than scoffed ,,but I woud also know why you draged me with you"he said clearly pissed.

,,would you rather get killed by 3 grown men?" I said annoyed ,,go ahead,go search for them"I almost screamed at him ,,you know I didnt have to safe you, I could have just let him shot you"I said ,I saw his eyes soften as I leaved.

Outside I was going back from where I came in from ,I was lost for 20 minutes till I felt someone pulling me towards them.


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