Seeing your scars

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TW// mentions of scars and abuse

- Doesn't think any bad of them
- He knows they represent you
- If you find the scars ugly he'll tell you over and over again that they aren't
- He wants you to embrace them
- He'll definitely help you
- Kisses your scars
- "Your scars are beautiful just like you."

Lee Know
- You showed them to him
- Know how difficult it must've been for you
- Kisses you and traces your scars
- Doesn't like knowing you used to hurt yourself
- Wants to protect you
- "Thank you for showing and telling me. I know it was hard."

- Listens to you carefully as you explain
- Frowns
- Wants to see your scars up closer
- Stares at them and caresses them
- Thinks they are beautiful
- Will remind you how they represent you
- "I know you wish they would go away. They are just something that represents you. It shows what you've been through and it's okay."

- You had gotten them from your ex boyfriend
- You decided to show Hyunjin since he never knew
- You knew he deserved to know the truth
- Holds you tightly as he tears up
- Wants to kill your ex boyfriend
- You seem fragile to him
- "I will never hurt you. I want you to know that. I just want to protect you."

- Tears up seeing them
- Knows that you've been through a lot
- Doesn't want you to be afraid
- Traces them with his fingers
- Never wants you to hurt ever again
- "I'm not gonna let you do this ever again. I promise."

- His heart breaks
- He knows your ex boyfriend was toxic but didn't know he was also abusive
- Is so sad
- Holds you close
- Kisses each and every one of your scars
- Comforts you
- "He did this to you? I will never let anyone lay a finger on you ever again."

- Shocked seeing them
- Finds them beautiful though
- If you say they're ugly he'll shut you up with a kiss
- Kisses them
- Uses markers and draws stars with them
- "You'll always be beautiful. These scars just make you even more beautiful."

- Tears up
- Is devastated
- Hates knowing what you went through
- Wants to take care of you and protect you
- Always keeps you close
- Kisses your scars a lot
- "I will be here forever. I will take care of you and protect you."

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