Part.6 : Friends

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Weeks past.

They didn't quit, instead they started to feel comfortable around each other. They started to ask help from each other. But still they keeped distance in some ways..

On a weekend ni8 after their shift

Inaya " Hey "

" Hey "

" Friends ?? "

He hesitated to reply

" U know we are on the same boat so being friends will help us and as long as no one is going to be friend with us so ... "

" But i prefer to be alone. It's good. I enjoy it a lot. "

" Remember you're saying some lies to me who know how it feels. U know being alone is wonderful, no need to care about anyone, our world, our things, its definitely fun but no one enjoys being alone if they are dying inside. "

" What u mean ?? "

" As u see, I always wanted to be alone but there are times i hoped if someone out there can help me I wouldn't feel this much hurt.. If we are alone from the very beginning ofc yes we'll be fine. But if we entered in that path during a part of our life where we was so happy before, it is definitely not enjoyable. Once we were around many people who cares about us alot and all of a sudden we're alone..... its awful 😖. "

" I know sometimes we need someone but the same time we also wanted to be alone. U know when we can't express our emotions, when we can't explain correctly, and maybe the listener would take it in another way, its more bad. So i prefer to be alone. "

( Inaya didn't gave up she kept on trying. )

" I can understand your pain, as i said earlier we are on the same boat.... I know i'm annoying you but sorry. I just wanted a friend. Its really unbearable. I just wanted to feel how it'll be when we have friends..... U know i also prefer to be alone. But when i saw u I thought I could help you atleast to make your pain a little less. I know u feel so uncomfortable around me, cause i too feel that.... I just wanted to help, not only u but also me. "

" Let's give it a try. U know for me its very difficult. I'm scared of hurting someone I know how it feels.... "

" Same ...... lets give it a try  😊. "

Like that they went home. They exchanged their number tooo.

The next day

Inaya pov

should i call him and ask ?? What if he say no ?? I am scared of that college. Aish this is so frustrating 😤

She got ready and decided to call him

" Hello "

" H..hello "

" Where are you ?? "

" I'm going to college... why ? "

" Nothing just asked "

" Ok then bye "

" Ahh wait can we go together i'm kind scared you know as they must be around my class. "

" Then what about me ?? "

" By the way where is your class ?? "

" I'm in art and music department, building number 2. What about you ?? "

" Well that's great cause we're in different department as well as different building. Mine is science. " she said disappointedly.

" Hmm. So yours is the third building right ?? "

" Hmm "

He said hesitantly " Lets figure out a way. See u in college stay near the gate okay. "

" Really !!! Thank you so much ❤️..... okayy bye see in college. "

They hung up the phone.

Yah noah !!!! what have u done? Now think of a plan.......

Soon they met

" So what is your plan ?? "

" We can go inside and enter the library it connects our building. I hope it works. "

" Hmm that sounds good. "

" Come on or we'll be late. "

" Okay "

They headed to their library as fast as possible in order to avoid bullies. They finally reached.

" Oh I'm relieved. Ok then see u in the evng. We can head to the cafe together. "

She left.

Noah pov

What ??? Heading to the cafe together. I can't even imagine. Everyone scares me. And she really scares me. No one has showed me any kind of affection. No one never wanted to be my frnd. And her behavior oh nooo 🙅‍♂️. I should find a way to not to get fooled.

You never ever can fool me i've gone through these things earlier. I'll go to the cafe as soon the class ends. I should think of a way to escape from her in the cafe toooo.

I should keep myself busy. You can do it Noah. Keep hoing fighting 💪🏻.

He looks at his watch and realize he only had 2 min left for his class to start.

Author pov

He ran to his class. As soon as he sat the professor entered. He was lucky enough cause the professor was 5 min late for his class. His class is in the second floor. And it is in the other end. It'll take time to reach there from the library. If he had entered from the main gate he would reach there within 2 min.

He have a lot of trust issues. He desperately want a friend but he is so scared to trust anyone especially when they talk to him nicely. Whomever has talked to him nicely either took advantage of him or trapped him and bullies him like he never ever would make anyone as his friend.

Somewhere in his heart he wants inaya as his friend. Cause he saw she also being bullied by the seniors. But another part of his heart says its all a trap for him. That part of him believes she is a gang member of that bullies.

Time passes : lunch break

He was immersed in his thoughts. He doesn't want to believe his heart. He want someone by his side. But he need some proofs. Cause he is done being betrayed.

He stood up and started to head over to the library with a box in his hand. He walked fast so that the bullies won't find him and could eat his lunch peacefully.

He was distracted the whole day. As soon as the class over he rushes out and went to the cafe alone...


So guys I'm back hope u likes this part. Pls comment alot. And do like my story okay👍🏻. Ignore mistakes pls. And i don't know whether my english is good or not so. If any grammar related or anykind of mistakes pls ignore. 😊

So lets look forward to the next part. 

What will happen to Inaya ?

Will be Inaya fine ?

Will she be disappointed in Noah's behavior ??

Will he knows the truth soon ?

I hope you guys will look forward 😊
Yours faithfully author

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