Part.10 : Being Nice To Her

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As he walked towards he felt that his confidence is going down on each step he takes. By reaching near, he was no more confident. He decided not to tell. Cause he can't even call her name. His hands trembled. As she was sleeping she didn't know any of these.

He thought being selfish will be good. Being arrogant for his own sake will be good. Telling her that he didn't believed her in the first place itself is more than something he could think. He didn't not only believed her, he totally ignored her, ghosted her, her little acts of love and care he thought all of it were fake. He acted like a total jerk, asshole.

Author pov

Even though he is still acting like that. He can't even muster up some courage to tell her his mistake. He had reasons. But this lil idiot is again running away, instead of standing against his fear. Lets look forward whether someday, sometime he'll tell her. He only just have to tell everything but aish i don't know what to do with this lil idiot.

But someone was seeing everything. It was none other than Adeline.

She stopped him and asked him. She could read that's something was wrong. He told her everything that he did to her. And also told her why ? Adeline gasped hearing all this. But understood why he did that. She consoled him.

She promised him that she won't say any of these to her. And will help him tooo.

Inaya pov

When i woke up i saw them talking and i could read from their face that they are talking something which is quite serious. Out of curiosity i asked them what is the matter. But they just said nothing simultaneously which made it even more worse. Suddenly this thing came to my mind that I'm in hospital and I'm admitted because i was badly injured. Wait is something bad happening to me ?? Am i going to die ???

" Guys am i dying ? Is there something prblm with me ? "

End of Inaya's pov

Noah pov

When she asked what was the matter we're talking i really got tensed. So do Adeline. And we answered at the same time. I got nervous and looked at her. But Adeline gave me assurance smile which calmed me down. There she goes again with another question. But when i heard it i Suddenly laughed looking at her expression and her question. Adeline laughed with me and went close to her.

End of Noah's pov

" You're not going to die idiot "

" Well your face made me think like that "

" Hmm. Wanna something to eat ? " she nicely changed the topic. So Inaya won't ask further.

" Yes I'm hungry. "

Noah went to buy something and they ate something light so Inaya could feel good. Days went by and Inaya got better. All these time 2 questions remained in her head.

What were they discussing ? They always changed the topic when i ask about that.
And the other one is why Noah is behaving so nice to me ? He was quite serious and didn't mind me much ? Is this 2 related. But she didn't much ask about that. She was very happy cause finally she is getting what she wanted so desperately after all these years.


When they were heading back from the hospital as Inaya was discharged Noah bought her some ice-cream. Inaya was surprised. She asked him why there is sudden change with his character ? He simply said

" I don't want an another Noah in my life and my nearby. "

She was taken aback by his ans. She was so happy that he cared about her and also  worried about her.

Days went by. Noah was so much caring about. One day while they were working in the cafe, Inaya went to Adeline and asked,

" Sis did Noah hit his head somewhere ? He kinda looks weird don't you think so ? He is suddenly so caring. Do you think he is alright ? Shouldn't we be taking him to an hospital ? "

" Calm down girl. You don't like it ? I bet you really loves it ? This was the thing all u wanted ig... "

" Yeah that's true.. but wait how did u know that. "

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