Part 1 - "Parallel Canon"

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What happened...?

They sat up from their place on the floor. It was a white, empty room... but there were these strange inkling-esque robots...

They blinked, then rubbed their head.
Who were they, again...?

Agent 4.

That's... the only name they could remember.

And the more they thought on it, the more they realized that they can't remember much else. Their name was Agent 4. But what were they an Agent for?
...They weren't sure why, but even in a situation like this, "Agent 4" and "Agent for" made them want to laugh at wordplay.
Still, they couldn't remember their real name, they couldn't remember who they worked for, and they didn't know how they got into this strange room full of creepy red-eyed robots.

And when they went to stand up, that's when they noticed - their hands were completely transparent!

"Ah-!" Agent 4 shouted, and they could only shout again when they realized they had floated upwards instead of standing up!
They looked down at themselves, looked down at the ground, circled around the air and at one point did a little flip.
Here they were, levitating, transparent, without their armor, and with pale white tentacles...

They started to panic!
Did they die?! Were they dead?! How?! When?! Why?! Why can't they remember?!
Well, one thing's for sure - they have to leave this room!

Agent 4 flew towards the wall in order to phase through it - only to be yanked backwards. They looked behind themselves, only to see...

One of the robots.
It looked exactly like them.

In fact, it was the only one that looked specifically like an inkling. With the pointed ears and the same exact hairstyle...
There was also a little drone next to it. It actually looked kind of cute, but there was no time for that! They had to investigate the robot actually that looked like them!

They flew closer to it.
It felt warm to the touch... and when they touched its shoulder, Agent 4 felt a touch on their shoulder as well!
So that confirmed it. Agent 4 was not dead, but was instead transformed into... a lifeless, metal, red-eyed robot. If they couldn't float too far away from it, they probably weren't dead...

If they had to guess, their spirit was simply separated from their own body during... whatever made their physical form that way. At least they knew they were still alive.

Still, they had to leave the room.
And they couldn't leave the room without their body.
Taking a deep breath, Agent 4 flew straight into it - and, sure enough, they possessed their own body. Does that count as possession? They didn't know, and as of now, they didn't care. They only cared about finding out where they were and why.

They took a step - but it was wobbly and uncoordinated, and they had to stumble to catch their own balance! Luckily, the other bots didn't seem to react...
Except for the drone. It followed their every move, but it didn't seem hostile. Maybe it was because Agent 4 looked just like the others?

Regardless, they steadily started walking to the door with the drone following behind. It got easier once they got the hang of it, but it still just felt... weird.
When they exited the door, they were met with an elevator. So, they did the logical thing and entered it.

If they wanted to be freed, they'd need to go to floor one, probably. But the elevator didn't seem to work that way...
It would only go up! And one floor at a time! And what are color chips?!

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