Part 8 - "Diss Order"

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Agent 4 de-possessed their parallel canon. They were getting way too dizzy - they could say their soul left their body!
...It was lonely having nobody to respond to their little jokes anymore.

Still, they couldn't help but feel... useless. They were basically just to be rescued now! And even if they were free, their ink color prevented them from harming stupid Overlorder...

They couldn't do anything but...

"Yo, 'Rina!" Pearl shouted with enthusiasm, "hit us with a track!"
"I'm on it, Pearlie!" Marina smiled, referring to Pearl affectionately yet again. Acht sighed. They must do that a lot.
"Let me help..."
Acht walked over to Marina, and the two of them got to work with some turntables.

"Yeah! That hypes me up! Now we're ready to teach Order a lesson in Chaos!"
Agent 8 nodded, and together, they and Pearl were off. Every fight with the Overlorder was pretty much the same - shoot the portals, break the portals, rush forward and shoot the guy. However, that didn't exactly mean it was easy.
A song called Short Order blared from Acht and Marina's turntables. Because of Acht's strange appearance, they weren't sure if they could help defeat order with their ink - but after Agent 4's earlier fight with Marina, they couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't helping to defeat the rogue AI that she herself created - or why she didn't terminate it. Ah, well.

Agent 8, meanwhile, got to work. They've been worried sick about their missing roommate, only to learn that the squid's been trapped in the Memverse this whole time! They've used every palette and rescued every trapped soul. They were sure Agent 4 wasn't here. They would have reunited if they were, Agent 8 thought!
So to learn that Agent 4 has been trapped here this whole time...
They glared at Overlorder and headed to the first portal. Despite the fact that phase 1 was easier, the skeleton fish were still a problem for them...

Pearl and Agent 8 both shot, with the drone shooting at the jelletons and Agent 8 shooting at the portal. Together, they took out the first one!
And then the next...
And then the next two!

"Order's shield is down!" Marina shouted.
"Let's get 'em, Eight! Let's hit 'em where it HURTS!" Pearl exclaimed.

They were being swarmed by skeleton fish, but their Octo Shot made quick work of them. The Overlorder tried to splat Agent 8 with some sting rays - Pearl countered with her own - and Agent 8 used their triple inkstrike special on top of their shots to stop the Overlorder the first time!

"Agh! No fair!" The Overlorder whined, thrashing Agent 4's poor parallel canon around yet again. As a floating soul, they were glad they weren't nauseous... but they felt absolutely enraged by its treatment towards them!
Little did they know that Agent 8 was just as pissed. Despite Agent 4's cloudy memory giving them doubts, Agent 8 was truly a good friend to them, and they were out for vengeance.

They ran forward with Pearl rushing behind.
"I've never seen Eight so serious before," Acht remarked.
The Overlorder's jelleton minions rushed after Agent 8, but instead of shooting the enemies, they left it to the Pearl Drone as they skidded by and shot the portal until it exploded.
Order shot more sting rays and Agent 8 couldn't care less. They ran across the stage, shooting portals along the way, even if they didn't have the time to stand still and destroy each one just yet. As soon as it finished, Agent 8 took out a portal, and then another!

Agent 4 was...astonished, really. Agent 8 was a fellow Agent, were they as good as the octoling was? They hoped so!

With that, Agent 8 destroyed the final portal of Phase 2. Just four more portals to go-
Hah. Four...
- Anyway, just four more left and they could retrieve the last of Agent 4's lost soul! They'd be back to normal! It was actually happening!

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