Part 10 - "Team Four" (Epilogue)

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It was a beautiful day in Inkopolis Square.
The air was nice and warm, and there was a soft and gentle breeze. The sky had a few clouds, but not a lot - it was perfect for pointing out shapes with a friend!
Birds were chirping, and everyone seemed to be out and about, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the liveliness of the Square.

In the middle of it all, an inkling ran.
They were dressed in their favorite gear and, despite being in such a hurry, had a certain spring in their step.
Today would be a great day to take in the outdoors...
But again- they were in a hurry! Maybe later!

They burst through the door, scanning the room, and saw an inkling boy sitting at a table. He wore a red jacket, shades, and socks with sandals.
"You're late." he snickered, "Two days late, to be precise."

As Agent 4 sat down, they rolled their eyes and scoffed. But at the same time, they couldn't help but smile!
Their meeting may or may not have been...postponed. After returning from the Memverse, it turned out that there were actually more important things to do instead of visiting a café. Once they left the virtual simulation, Agent 4 felt exhausted. They hadn't been home in a month and they needed sleep. No amount of coffee could fix the amount of sleep deprivation they apparently had!
They also needed to do laundry, eat, shower...
But enough of that. They were finally here, at the cafe, with their new friend - just as promised.

"Whatsup, Agent 4? Miss me too much?" He asked in a teasing voice. They wouldn't lie - they did miss him. Maybe not 'too much,' but they were looking forward to this just as much as he was!
"Heh, yeah...I missed you too," he smiled.

"Hold on, stay right here. I'll go get food for us - and don't worry, don't worry. I remember what you wanted! Coffee and cookies, right?"
Agent 4, yet again, nodded. It may have been a simple thing to remember, but they were glad he did!
"Oh-!" Their eyes widened. Shouldn't they pay for their own food? They suggested this and reached into their bag, but H4CKER shook his hand in a dismissive way.
"Don't worry about it, I can pay. Let's just say a certain pop star's footing the bill..."
Agent 4 gave a look of confusion, and H4CKER only snickered. "Say someone were to hack into Pearl Houzuki's bank account. Y'know- to get back at her. For being a complete jerk to their friend. Y'think she'd notice?"

Agent 4's face paled.

"Kidding, Agent 4! Kidding." He reassured, immediately relieving them of their worries-
"Or am I?"
Their face went red in frustration.
"...No, really. I'm kidding."

They weren't 100% sure whether they should believe that anymore, but decided to take his word for it.

He went off to buy their food, and it was only a few minutes until he returned and sat down. The service here was quick...

"Here ya go, Agent 4! Some chocolate chip cookies and a coffee. Just like you wanted!" He placed it down in front of them, and they smiled and thanked him.
"No problem," he replied. It looked like he had ordered a small muffin and a very sugary coffee.
...They asked if he was on Team Sweet for the Spicy vs Sweet vs Sour splatfest, causing him to laugh - and yes, he was on team Sweet.
"I singlehandedly carried them to victory..." he gloated, leaning back in his chair. Agent 4 scoffed yet again.

"Anyway, what've you been up to? Y'know, since we beat Order? That was crazy, right?"

They nodded.
It was crazy. But it was over now - after they defeated Order Mk.4, the entire Memverse started to crash down - luckily, the six of them were able to escape in time, but it was close.
As for what they've been doing...

Agent 4 told him all about it!
They watched a movie with Agent 8 as they often would as roommates,
They went grocery shopping for all their favorite foods - they deserved it after all they went through,
And they reunited with Agents 1 and 2 yesterday, and they were both terrified! Since the Squid Sisters were in the Splatlands, they actually hadn't gotten the news that Agent 4 was missing until they themself told the two about it. The idols actually spent the whole day with Agent 4, constantly asking if they could do anything to make it up to them...
Callie dragged them to a bunch of clothes stores.
And lastly, they met a new Agent. Apparently, when they were gone, Agent 3 was promoted to Cap'n and the New Squidbeak Splatoon replaced them with another Agent 3-

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