Part 3 - "H4CKER Drone"

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The elevator was slowly ascending to floor twelve.
As bothersome as it was to wait so long, Agent 4 was glad for the break. Especially if they'll have to keep fighting more security bots...
They had possessed the parallel canon again at this point. It did get pretty... uncomfortable at times, but as it turns out, their morally questionable companion can't communicate with them if they're not actually a virtual being with code to read. For efficiency's sake, they decided to stay in this form as long as they can. It was nice to have someone else in a lonely place like this.

"So, Agent 4," H4CKER's voice was, yet again, heard from nowhere, "what's it like being a ghost? Or... just a soul?"

They thought about it for a second.
It was weird, being able to see through their own body and being able to float. And, as expected, they felt really light, and almost cold. It was cool, really, and despite the fact that they felt as if they could get used to being able to fly, the image of being dead and unable to eat, talk or see their friends ever again sounded awful.

"Huh. That sounds exactly how I'd expect, actually," he replied, "I feel really bad."

Yeah, yeah. It was bad. And they didn't really want to think about it longer than they had to. Couldn't they change the subject?

"Yeah, sorry. As long as your memories are still gone, I guess I can't ask about you either. I'll just talk about myself then!"

...Why not? Agent 4 was fine with that. Criminal or not, H4CKER was the only company they had, and it would be nice to get to know the other member of Team Four.

"I live in Inkopolis Plaza. And the only reason I'm saying that is because I know I can trust you, Agent 4! Remember kids, don't give out your information online."

Agent 4 had to agree with that.

"I'm at home right now in my computer room, obviously. I wouldn't be here to help you if I wasn't! And before you ask, the windows are open with some nice fresh air. I touch grass, Agent 4."

They weren't going to ask, really, but it was kind of funny to them that H4CKER felt as if he had to specify.

"Yeah, yeah. I had to make sure. Anyway, when I'm not... ahem... looking through other games, I'm usually splatting it up in Zones, baby! Rank X right here!" He bragged. He always seemed to have an aura of arrogance, but again... Agent 4 couldn't complain about the only company they have.

"I like to chill out at the park with my laptop sometimes too. As a game developer, the grind never stops. Hey, there's an idea! Wanna be a beta tester, Agent 4?"

For an illegal game with stolen assets?
They'd pass.

"Meh, fair enough."

Before he could say much else, the elevator came to a stop. They made it to floor twelve!
Agent 4 couldn't help but feel relieved - they liked getting to know H4CKER, but they also liked their own life, and would like to learn about who they truly are.

"Okay, I'll get to work! The elevator will be ready to go to floor 13 ASAP!" He beamed, "While I'm doing that, you should check for more security bots before they become a problem."

Agent 4 nodded. That was reasonable. The closer the bots get to the elevator, the higher the risk of losing H4CKER gets...
They quickly exited. The stage below looked to be based on Splat Zones, which was oddly relevant to what he said about being rank X earlier.
Many skeleton-like fish enemies aimlessly wandered around the area, but there were no security bots... yet. Agent 4 decided to would be smart to super-jump to the stage and ink things up before they arrived - but as soon as they did, they realized...
They screwed up.

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